New GBB Rifles

Yep, that’s the beauty of being short sighted…. and the only blasters that I put optics onto were game ones so that I could see people moving/hiding at a distance :joy:

My normal day to day plinkers were all open sights, especially as I liked to keep the blasters as stock looking as possible on the outside :+1:

My favourite addition was the carry handle to add to the top rails of the M4’s as open sights, and small iron sights on all of the other smaller 9mm type SMG’s :sunglasses:


Was going for an F88 look. If a gel could even go as far as I can see with the 4X zoom, it’s useless, adds weight. But it’s my blasta and I wanted it, so I’ll do whatever I want with it. Takes 1 second to remove it.


Just need a Wendy skid lid and I’ll be near enough :rofl:

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XHunter is the culprit seems half their reviews are amazing and the other half are “took 4 months to get my stuff”.

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Yes, they are crap. Scoped that before.

See anything you like here, rock solid business Guns for Hunting | Metal Detector | Projectiles | The Open Range

Ok my rpm mws seems to love the predator gels tried the new punishers but they’re way too big for it it seems, what gels are others having good luck with?

Sixxmm seem to have sent me a Radian Raptor that was not the one i ordered, what showed up is tan/gold in full alloy without the rubberized coating. ZFG i guess as i need a handle and cbf ordering again since it functions fine with a slight mod and looks okay.

Love to know what it is they actually shipped me though as there was no box (probably because it had the word “airsoft” on the blister pack) and it has no PTS markings as well as being a tiny but incompatible with my RPM. Had to dremmel off a little lug underneath the retention hook for it to fit across the top of the bolt, that might be a spec difference with the RPM though(edit: the BCM one that came with it had the lug ground off before it was coated, you can see the outline).

If anyone has one of the GM rifles as well as the RPM, slap your GM upper on there and see if it still fires.

Its a little more… gold than i intended… I guess it matches the Vector logo though.


goats balls seem to work flawlessly for me atlease

You doing a control grow or grading? The dream is someone is like “oh just grow blah blah overnight and its perfect” lmao

i wish growing them overnight tho i haven’t done that ,1 hour to 1 n half is what i got but thats only from a single pack am still stuffing around with different gels i want to grow sum gold pack ultras for around that time n see how i go

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hi can anyone recommend any upgrades for the king arms TWS 9mm rifle

Hi @Jas . I’ve been reading through your posts and am very interested in the journey you went through to modify your MWS. Id be really happy if you were able to part with some more of your gbbr wisdom.

I recently bought a WM MWS and am looking to get more accuracy out of it. I’ve been experimenting with gel growth and tuning the hop up but im unable to get much out of it. It is completely stock and has a WM 7.3mm SS 11.5" IB w/ integrated hopup.

The first thing I tried was controlled growth. The 2-2.5hr growth seems to be where it fires the best but I’m not fully happy with it as my AEG is much better (I am aware there is going to be some performance differences between AEG and GBBR). But I read that you were able to achieve 50mm groupings at 10m with the MWS and that is something I’d be stoked with.

With hop up I also don’t notice much difference between the settings so I am a bit confused with what is happening there. I am assuming it may be because the fps is too high and the gel is exiting too quickly for enough hop. Even with the 10kg gas I was finding my FPS to be around 340+.

At the moment I’m using the Blue IHobby gels. I’ve also tried other brands like Gladiators, WAT gels, Dragon Orbz, AKA. I found the best performance out of these to be from the blue ihobby and dragon orbz. I tried a smaller growth too with a 90min and 105min growth with the blue ihobby and dragon orbz but there was a lot of mis feeding and shattering around the bolt carrier inside the receiver. I’ve cleaned the inner barrel and receiver since but did not notice much improvement in performance since cleaning either. I am interested to try the CEH White Knights that you prefer when I get to it.

I will be bracing my inner barrel because as you noticed too there is some play between the inner and outer barrel but I’m waiting on a castle nut wrench.

Gases I have used are the: Puff Dynos 10-14kg (Terrible compatibility with the MWS mag), Warwolf 10-14kg (OK gas feeding), and Abbey Ultra Predator (plastic nozzle is great with the MWS mag). I am yet to try weaker gasses like the Abbey 144a. I’ll also be on the lookout for the ASG UltraAir that you recommended.

If you got any thoughts about what I’ve done so far let me know.

However the upgrades that you did that interested me the most were the inner barrel and hop up modifications. You mentioned you used a 7mm ID IB and a custom rubber hop up like that in the Kublai P1 or WE glock. Is it possible you could provide me the links that you used to get these upgrades?

Hopefully that wasn’t too much to read. :sweat_smile: Many thanks.

Hey mate,
Unfortunately this is not an easy thing to respond to as there are so many variables that advice of the internet is largely a waste.
It’s better to try to understand what your blaster is telling you and what you are trying to achieve.
The first place to start is to limit or eliminate variables.
Gels and gas is the first place.
I am currently using warwolf green. I have used warwolf red as well. I don’t really feel it matters too much unless fps is way too high. But the key is shaking the gas well. Using it unshaken will cause fps variances due to the silicone not being mixed properly.
Next thing is gels. What you choose will depend on a number of factors but as a general rule the harder the better. I prefer CEH White knights as they are quite hard at 6.9mm and provide good visibility. But what is essential is grading. Proper measured grading. Not time but using something (I use a sieve) to ensure the size is very very consistent. If you have even 1 oversized gel to will mess everything up is it will smash and get debris into the system.
You are correct about bracing the barrel.
The WM also has inherent accuracy issues. Whilst the build materials of the WM is high the quality is sadly not. Also some of the design choices going beyond the standard MWS design negatively affect accuracy. Things such as the heavy bcg/buffer combo weight, 1.2 recoil spring and the odd dimensions of the bcg.
But unless you start going down the path of replacing a lot of the blaster these are things you will have to live with.
I hand make my barrels out of brass hobby tube. This is something you could try but it’s not for the feint hearted and I would not recommend unless you know exactly what you need to do.
I know this is all a bit vague but sadly it’s such a long winded conversation that it’s very awkward to put in one or even twenty messages. For now pick a quality gel, good gas and maybe ditch the inner barrel for one of the wat intergrated hop barrels. I think the WM ones are dogshit. Jas


Thanks a lot for the reply. That was some good information. Ill start off with sieve grading gels, a inner barrel, and see how i go with warwolf green gas again. Might give a weaker gas like abbey 144a a go as well. Ill let you know how i go with that. I got no qualms with changing internals after that if i must.

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Hey, I thought this the right thread to be asking about the King Arms TW GBBR. I got one at WAT recently as I’ve been out of the sport for a couple of years and since coming back I find all sorts of new stuff going on, including GBBRs! I loved the old GBB pistols so this seemed a great idea. After some use, I really like the look and feel, and when it’s working, it’s awesome in semi-only games where 30-round mags are good enough. Full auto is not much use as the mag is empty in a flash, if it feeds right.

Shown below.

But there’s been some issues. The question is whether the general word on the street is that they’re good or problematic. At Black Site some players commented that they’re renowned for having feeding issues and the like. One said he knew of a guy who’d had to return his to WAT.

Also when I bought it at WAT, a customer there suggested changing the seals and bucking as they are ‘made for airsoft and don’t suit gels.’ Maybe this explains the next part.

Recently I’ve found it mashes up the gels and the mash builds up around the chamber, stopping the bolt from sliding fully forward into position. As a result, the hammer can’t swing forward to strike the firing pin, thereby not firing at all. When in-game, this pretty much writes off the blaster since it needs a good clean off the field. Usually pushing a rod down the barrel to clear it, and a toothbrush up the mag well to brush all the crap away, seems to work. But depending on the gels, the same thing happens again very quickly.

Also, in the pic below, you can see just below the blue ‘chamber,’ the black metal seems to have been worn away to silver by the metal ‘tongue’ under the bolt which pushes the gel forward from the mag lip into the chamber. I expect that means some gels are going down into that silver bit and getting mashed. In some cases the mash gets forced in under the blue part so it closes in a bit like an oval shape, which won’t receive gels.

I hope this all makes sense. For the record, I’ve used a range of gels but mostly the Goats from RPM, under-grown to ensure they’re small.

Anyone else with experience of this blaster and its issues?


hi guys what is the best gbbr i have a western manufacturing but is there any better i heard that they are the best but compared to guns modify and golden eagle and king arms cheers

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Hey I have a WM GBBR as well and you are correct they are the best built and strongest on the Market they have all CNC components with good grades of metal no cast crap.

If you have the GM or first release WM Mags I have a redesigned follower that can increase capacity to 35 rounds.

I have a redesigned follower that can increase capacity to 35 rounds for these mags.

Hey does anyone know whats going on with the pump action gbb shotguns> tac edge had heaps of them last year now they have all dissapeard, so did azreals. now all i see are the double barel, level action etc. NO pumps,. Anywhere to get them in australia?

They weren’t good performers, probably why nobody stocks them anymore.