Old School Dinosaur Blasters

Yeah definitely! :joy:
I always used to buy at least two of every model blaster.
I would always keep one in its original box, untouched original and only fired once to make sure that they were operational.

The other would be the test mules to apply all of the usual upgrades to see how they reacted between the same upgrades compared to other models.

It was quite interesting how some stock cheap blasters were pretty decent in performance OOTB and took really well to upgrades, whereas there were quite a few big dollar hyped up brands that performed woefully OOTB and took much more work to get them to perform :thinking:

I still believe that much of the magic in all of those Gen8 era blasters was purely from their larger nozzles, compared with all the newer “V” style gearboxes with tiny Airsoft sized nozzles.

Simple physics stands that a shitonne more air volume can be released much faster through a large orifice compared to a smaller one! :joy::+1:

Not quite old school but needed a backup for possible game tomorrow, so I unpacked my last Jund. Stuffed in a battery and added a iHobby hop-up and straight out of the box - 280 fps and passed the clothes line 30m test

Looks like the JM 74U back-up has done a tappet spring - firing like it has a prostate problem

Mate……that’s a pretty awesome result from the CYMA :+1:
Can’t remember how many I ended up with, as all the old information was lost on the old Forum and pics are in my old phone :frowning:

Pretty sure it was 9 of them in the end, before I gave a few away as gifts to family/friends/forum members before the bans were even on the drawing board.

I do recall that they were a mixed bag of basic plastic barrel models, alloy barrel models etc……but their OOTB accuracy was pretty hit and miss!

Performance wise, I Chrono’d them all and was getting anywhere from 210-270 stock.

Obviously simply just variable factory assembly quality and air sealing.
Specifically remember pulling one apart that had all the piston and cylinder head o-rings squashed/split/damaged during factory assembly and was an easy fix to get them to 270-280 standard :+1:

The awesome little CYMA hop ups were obviously included standard on a few of them, as I found accuracy without a few tweaks was pretty dismal :frowning:

Does anyone remember this one? Novice Driver reviewed one years ago, but I’ve never seen one for sale anywhere… Tavor Tar21 with a Gen 8 clone box. All ABS… No idea who the manufacturer was… :man_shrugging:

I’d lurve to get my mitts on one o’ dese… definitely a cheapo shitter but pretty unique and up there with the Tactical Tuna F2000 for cheese appeal…


I think Armoured Heaven had them waaaaaaaaaaaay back when? It was either the Tavor or the F2000. Maybe both?

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Yes, remember that well as I used to follow his channel along with every other blaster related channels here in Aus and Asia :+1:

I didn’t take much notice about that particular model as was a bit of a “modern” style replica that I’ve never really appreciated…… same as the Styer, Kriss Vector etc.

Still a rare and quirky blaster that would be fun for any collection though……… same as the HKI MP5K that I only added to the collection because it was a quite rare early model to own :sunglasses:

It was the one with the carry handle and metal inner barrel. Not sure if I put a 1.18 spring in it before putting it back into the box. Wish I had kept the tan one

The tans were nice :+1:
They were actually the very first Tan blasters I ever owned and was quite impressed with them :sunglasses:

Awesome to see X-Force still have those Tavors available, very impressive looking gearboxes I must imagine from looking at the pics.
Reminds me of the ZB26 gearbox/barrel setup.

The IWI Tavor’s nice… nearly a whole gorilla’s a little rich for my tight arse budget though. :joy:

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Yeah…… I’m currently replying to all of this whilst sitting in my $300 2006 Ford Focus :flushed::joy:

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Ah, that shit’ll buff out… :laughing:

Looks more like a Cabo limo… :wink:

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I remember you bought all of them and there was none left for us :rofl: :joy: :joy:

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I’ve got one of these kicking around - converted to fit a singularity box, the stock gearbox is similar, but needed some shaving down to fit a proper gen 8. Because it had an early janky fire selector, the wiring inside is a total mess though, I had mine fully rewired for full auto only.

If you can find one, they can be a pretty good little project though, most of the plastic is fairly thick, so breakages aren’t much of a worry as long as you aren’t throwing it around too badly.

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Totally agree, I’d love to pimp one out… but I seriously can’t find one and I ain’t up for shelling out a grand for an Ares or IWI.

I like the Tar21 shape, but I don’t like it enough for that pricetag. :wink:

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It’s finally back where it belongs… :wink:

Gave it away a few years ago, it’s pretty much sat unused since but always a regretful offload, so some judicious trading later with my mate and it’s mine again.

Worked Gen 8 gearbox conversion, rear wired battery in the stock, modified Magpul shottie foregrip / shottie attachment (non-functional), converted Glock drum mag… takes me back and well worth the swap for a 1911 GBB pistol. :blush:


Did these originally have a proprietary gearbox?
Sorry, but don’t know much about these.

Cool classic blaster though!

Yeah, they had a weird LeHui gearbox in them but punched reasonably well out of the box, around 250FPS.

The gearbox was totally proprietry, not compatible with any standard Gen 8 style parts , clear acrylic shell… so apart from an o ring, alloy barrel and a spring, there wasn’t a hell of a lot you could do. Gen 8 boxes fit pretty neatly into the shell with some imagination, JB Weld and a Dremel though.

But stock they did have fire selection and mag priming, not too shabby for the era.

I’ve got two of these Scorpion EVO 3s, the modded one above and another in bog stock factory original condition. I don’t know what it is about them that gets me hooked, but I just love the platform. :man_shrugging: most people hate 'em but I’m a sucker for a classic.

As have commented before…… also was a collector of the weird and wonderful earlier rare stuff, as well as purchasing 2 of the same model to keep one bog standard whilst modifying the second :+1:

Pretty cool that a Gen8 could be modified to fit, as certainly the very best modification that could be done to something like this :sunglasses:

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