Old School Dinosaur Blasters

Here’s the LeHui set up and box

What a nightmare!

Second only to the Kriss Vector :flushed::roll_eyes::joy:

Mate, the Vector gearbox is a Rolls Royce compared to this one… did you clock that tiny motor? :laughing:

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Yeah, that’s a lot of pistol grip room left over there!
Makes you wonder why they used such a tiny little generic motor in the first place…… but this was back when they were still basic toys I suppose :thinking:

Oh man…

I forgot how dodgy the Chinese wiring was back in the day :joy:

Not to mention the quality finishing of the rebar weights :laughing:


Wanna get on a Chinese made airliner…??


I’d rather swim through nuclear waste… :laughing:

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Have they actually figured out how to make a turbine engine yet? :laughing:

Just buy a Boeing, pull it apart, and copy it….

Medinchina special…


I was reading awhile back about something to do with the Boeings that China fly and Boeing services the engines on them as they wouldn’t release the IP to China so they could do it themselves, and likely copy it. Not sure if that has changed recently.


Tuna fish with balls :joy:


YESSSSS! :heart_eyes:

That looks mint! I just wish I could get a hold of an a/s shell to do a conversion. I love these tactical tunas but that big slab of ABS is hard to get your head around. :joy: and the detail on it…

iirc you went to town on one of those Tuna’s. I think some led lighting for gel balls might have been involved :thinking: :+1:

Yeah, was originally Cruise’s then I got to it🤣
Mag is indeed set up to run glowies, with a not so standard Gen8 in there now😜

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Yeah, Cruise pioneered the t piece UV mod… went into a lot of his builds. That’s all his jam, for sure :+1:

If I recall correctly Cruise, ZeHamish, Arty_Marty and myself built these at the same time, Cruise and ZeHamish stuck with the original ZeHua gearbox but I went with a metal geared Gen 8 transplant. We shared a thread on the old forum, it was a lot of fun. Ended up turning into an epic saga, something like 300 posts on it. :laughing:


Got to see a lot of Cruise’s collection whilst having a coffee on the veranda!
He had quite a different creations which he hadn’t posted on the old forum that were all loaded with all sorts of gadgetry forming many different custom functions.

I always liked the way that 90% of the components were built into the blasters themselves and not big clunky add-ons to house everything.

Sure did still build big clunky stuff if that was the desired look, but otherwise, subtlety was his main game.

Certainly miss that sort of ingenuity and our chats when we got to catch up talking shop about the different things we were both building at the time, swapping ideas and mods etc……. very interesting conversations indeed :sunglasses:

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Back in the day when I shouldn’t of had blasters but did for that brief 2 years or so the vector always slapped through every test I put it through really performed in game situations aswell never skipped a beat

He was a smart guy…

I remember the integrated style… most of us would slap a torch or laser onto a blaster and be happy with it, but Cruise would build them into the front iron sight and wire them up to be trigger activated. :exploding_head:

Seeing as how my weakest area’s always wiring and electronic wizardry, I was often super impressed with his stuff. :+1:

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Mine still has the inbuilt laser but it’s unplugged, the micro switch mag prime is still operational :+1:
The led t-piece came out with the gearbox in the swap to gen8, so I modded the drum mag instead for glowies :sunglasses:

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