Old School Dinosaur Blasters

Yes, lots of lights, lasers, LED’s, various types of little switches and other devices that all performed various functions…… could look at a single blaster for a full hour and would still be pointing out little additions and tricks!

Certainly enjoyed his electronics :+1:

You would probably remember that I bought that 5m roll of waterproof UV LED strip, which was awesome stuff to convert any magazine into a glow mag, or as Cruise had used 3 or 4 single UV LED’s mounted inside the front handrail to light up a clear plastic barrel, I did the same thing with the length of UV’s cut off the roll which had probably 10-15 little LED’s in the same space.

It lit up gels like Star Wars lasers! :sunglasses::joy:


Oh, I remember :+1:
I picked up the 15 meter roll way back when as well😅

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:musical_note: I feel pretty…… Oh so pretty :musical_note: :crazy_face:


I can definitely imagine that you would need 15m of the stuff in your Laboratory…… whereas I still have probably 4.5 meters of the stuff leftover!

5m was quite a lot, especially when I ran it out and thought “bloody hell, this will last me forever”! :joy:

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Remember these?:thinking::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Is that the RX version?
Had a few different brand 74U’s, but none with the faux wooden furniture.

The old full plastic one with the manual mag😅
‘‘Twas before the rise of the glorious gen8😜

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The later JM J12 version was a magic blaster - fantastic out of the box performance. Was playing at the old Rochedale field with Hamish and Kenmar from the old forum and they were wiping the field with them. Stopped off at FTB on the way home and picked one up


Yeah, MST came up with an AK74U as well… but I think the JM J12 was better… harder hitter, at any rate :+1:

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Had 3 or 4 of the JM J12 AK’s…… definitely one of my most favourite blasters :ok_hand:

Outstanding performance even in stock standard form and were extremely reliable as well.

Only slightly modded one of them motor/barrel, spring upgrade, piston/cylinder head wise, but wasn’t really required other than just fixing up the factory air sealing etc.

Absolutely one of the best OOTB blasters in my experience :white_check_mark:

@Friendly_Fire @Bigmuthadrums

Literally sitting on top of the very first box that I opened!

Thought I would be there for hours digging through boxes, so this was an unexpected surprise :+1:

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Let me know if either of you or anyone else here is chasing one of these, especially if they are no longer available anywhere…… because it’s of no use to me!

Was ordered brand new from X-Force Tactical back in the day, along with a couple of packets of the larger gels required to run it…… received this, but they were all out of stock on the gels, so got refunded for those, or maybe not, but never got around to ever ordering suitable gels for it elsewhere…… so just got thrown into the spare parts pile :roll_eyes:


That plastic is even shinier then the original Mattel plastic furniture for the viet m16’s

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Yeah, but it comes up well with a coat of matt black… most ABS does :+1:

@DocBob I’ll definitely put my hand up for it please, Bob :raised_hand: Got a China Lake derivitive build in mind for one of these :thinking:
I’ll DM you and nut out the details, matey.
You’re a legend :+1:

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No worries, DM and only ask to cover the postage. I’m sure that it will come in handy for a project somewhere :sunglasses::+1:

China lakes are ugly bloop toobs and your a communist if you like them

Better start calling me “comrade” then, Squiddy :joy:

Like, you know they were made in Cali in the USA, yeah?

Yeah it certainly is…… but who doesn’t paint this stuff to suit their builds anyrate! :joy:

Speaking of M16 stuff…… I still have M16 buttstocks and a few handguards here that are also brand new and available at a good discount if anyone is chasing this older gear :thinking:

Not sure of the exact amount of stock that I have, but certainly came across a fair bit of it today, because even though I found the grenade launcher straight away, I had already allocated a few hours of searching while I was there…… so I got to find hundreds of other brand new old school gear still in their boxes that suit everything that you could even name for every model blaster ever released.

I still need to sit down and take an inventory of the thousands of parts that I have, but would seriously take days/weeks to catalog them all :roll_eyes:

EDIT Pretty sure that I have quite a few M16 specific magazines piled up somewhere as well!

Do it, Doc… old classic’s are cool. :+1:

Make some cash, move to Queensland, drop in and have a beer, build blasters again.

Then you’d have to buy all your stock back off everyone to start building again. :laughing:

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