Random AEG questions

Clearly you haven’t spent enough time around Cabo train station, matey… they’re like squirrels on speed up there :joy:

@Bigmuthadrums Yep, I’m running a larger diameter sleeve over the outer barrel atm, for the DMR look, moot now with the SCAR H filling that role. I’ll end up going back to the carry handle, standard OB and triangle front sight when the 10" handguard comes in… definitely be a more classic look with that old school GL fitted up.

Thanks again, Mutha… awesome stuff, you’re a legend. :+1:
Hope you start feeling better soon, hey?


Definitely better in old school M4 trim… don’t think I’ll be using that 10" Noveske afterall. :joy:


He’s the village Mad Scientist mate…… wasn’t dosed up at all.
Mad Scientists are always like that! :joy:

Sounds like I’ll catch something unwanted at that joint :rofl:

Not a place to frequent without kevlar on :grin:

Cross post in case you missed it! :joy:

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How many parts do you need and how much do you want to spend! :flushed::joy:

No, you are certainly not alone there!
I love the basic old fashioned designs of the early days, before things got much more technical and complicated.

It’s always a great thing that technology evolves over time into better and better products, but like my life of building/working on Hot Rods and Classic Muscle Cars…… sometimes the old fashioned basic simplicity is an absolute gem in a world of overcomplicated/complexed engineering.


Question about the old Bing Feng M203 grenade launchers…

When they first came out one of the problems was zero power, gels falling out or exploding out of the barrel. I recently got a spanking new one in the mail (thanks to @DocBob :clap:) and it appears they were made with 9-11mm gels in mind. That would explain the inefficiency. :thinking:

Has anyone ever tried these with the larger gels? I was going to gut and refit internals to suit 8mm gels but maybe not… :man_shrugging:

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Yeah… I have one, as well…

They were designed for 11-12mm gels.
It took me awhile to figure out , that larger gels were needed.

I remember buying some from ebay, that might be the only place you could source them from.

it was the only blaster which took gels of that size…

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You were right…
9-11 mm gels…

check these out, on ebay…

Use the left over ones, for a “Home Wedding…!!” :rofl: :rofl:

Cheers for that link, matey… :+1: much appreciated.

Ordered a couple of packets… I can’t begin to imagine how the flight characteristics are for a gel that big and soft, but I guess I’ll be finding out. :laughing:

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Put a HQ Kingswood spring in it that’ll get the fps up! :rofl: :joy: :+1:

from memory, they weren’t great performers…
Big ole gells, will have less fps than the smaller, lighter stuff…

But, like yourself, I got mine for purely aesthetic reasons.
They were pretty cheap too, from memory…

Challenge thrown down…convert it to CO2 bulb/ green gas conversion…!!
Give it a few herbs…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Why, when you can just buy one that runs on green gas… :wink:

Nah, like you, cosmetic only. In fact, seeing as how I ended up with two, one’s got the screwholes filled, new end cap, been painted and has half a squash ball up the spout to replicate a grenade ( sort of ). Can still be cocked and fired and can be made fully functional with minimal work, but seeing as how it’s hanging off a JM SCAR V2, doesn’t really matter. :+1:


Greetings to all,ive what i hope is a simple yes no question yet i ve a feeling its a very oversized can of worms…and gears!
If i take a standard v2 metal reciever on its own can i by rights buy any brand v2 gearbox and drop it straight in and she will purrr like an old 186 in a prem?

Yes for the most part. More so matching up right nozzle and t piece.

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What he said :point_up_2:

Some receivers may need dremel clearing in places too… I seem to remember putting a MK V2 box into a Well CQB and had to dremel the part of the receiver around the mag terminal plate.

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Just moved to avoid cluttered threads.


A v2 receiver will fit a v2 gearbox, except when it doesn’t… because gelball things. Some gearboxes are different enough to provide delightful requirement of filing and dremeling or the receiver. Also the mags and piece nozzle choice may require some filing of the receiver too.
The short version is, anything will fit with the right amount of filing and dremeling.

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