Random AEG questions

So many kids on here. Remember the 60’s. Everyone had an air rifle and a Stirling 22. Got a range day at Holdsworthy with cadets every 3 months. People didn’t freak out at a bunch of kids carrying SMLE’s to school on the bus


I remember walking up to the local milkbar with a .177 air rifle under my arm back in the 70s. The shop owner did a double take when I walked in, asked if it was real, then said “That’s alright then” when I told him it was just a sluggie. :laughing:

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Random question, I know… but this IS the thread for such things… :sunglasses:

Anyone got any idea if any sellers have any of the old Bing Feng M203 grenade launchers? It’s just a cosmetic thing I’m looking for, so crappy old plastic will do and I’m definitely not up for a $350 green gas unit.

Google searching just pulls up old listings and the sellers are understandably out of stock. :man_shrugging:

I might have one in my boxes of parts somewhere if you can’t find one closer?
Might take a little while to find though, cause there’s quite a few boxes!

I wouldn’t make you go rumaging through the (no doubt) mountains of gear you’ve got archived, Doc… :laughing:

But if you do come across it at some point while you’re sorting stuff, let me know and if I haven’t secured one we’ll do a little long distance horse trading. :wink:

clearing out old stock.

I seen one online while shopping for parts recently, but can not remember where! If it comes up I will let you know

I destroyed and got rid of thousands of dollars worth of complete functioning blasters, and any parts that were outlawed by the WA bans…… but I was still smart enough to NOT get rid of thousands of dollars worth of parts that weren’t considered illegal by the terms of the new laws.

I still have a shitonne of boxes of parts that have been purchased and stored since 2016-2017 right through all of those years until the bans in 2021…… which meant that I have no blasters, gels barrels or anything that would be in breach of the legislation.

So I can still legally have a huge pile of parts that cannot be used to assemble a full functioning Gelblaster.

It’s something that is most likely very important to anyone else in legal states looking for this old school stuff that is no longer available…… and at the same time, is completely useless for myself not being able to actually build anything out of them :cry:

This is why I’m really intrigued about the fact that all of the really old models/parts that I have brand new in boxes are very high in demand in the current market where all of this classic old products are no longer available.


sell to fund your move to QLD :smiley:

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I have been constantly hammered by quite a few mates who I know in QLD, plus mates here in WA who are moving to QLD in the next 12 months or so…. and have spent quite a lot of time in QLD throughout my life.

My only stepping stone is my Autistic Son.
He’s very much fully independent on having me to dress, feed and look after him every single day.

I would love to move to QLD and bring him with me, but the ex missus wouldn’t allow it whatsoever……… even though she doesn’t do shit with him and relies on the Grandparents to to raise him :frowning:

Watch this space……. might be able to figure something out for the future.

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sounds like a challenge.


Yeah…… family first, work second and hobbies third.

I have no issues getting a job anywhere that I go in Australia, but the ability to be able to look after my young bloke is extremely difficult to get the right support for him :cry:

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Were they the double barrel gel ones?:thinking:

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Exactly those ones… performed like shite but a pretty good aesthetic addition. :+1:

I think they had two inner barrels in them, I plan to get a hold of one, gut it and make it a cosmetic thing. :sunglasses:

Yep, that’s exactly what I have brand new in a box here somewhere!

I have planned on getting time to go through it all tomorrow @Friendly_Fire and will let you know when I have found it.

Never fitted/tested/used it as I didn’t have the larger gels that they required at the time.


mate, you cant put work as the second most important thing… life is too short.

I’m actually in heavy negotions with @Bigmuthadrums… he has one and is 15 minutes up the road :wink:

But if you do find yours I will buy it off you, Doc… can never have too many grenade launchers :blush:

When the universe smiles, she beams :smiley:

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Cut him in a free AUKUS submarine and I think he’ll go for it :rofl:

Sorry, but there’s no such thing as “buying” off of me.

I will gladly give it to you for free if you are happy with covering the postage :+1:


Originally I got this simply to gut it and mod it to run 40max nades😜
I do however have waaaay to much crap to bother any more :sweat_smile:

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