Para's Autism Corner

For you, the BF is black

For my LDT’s…I have…Both. :rofl:


Im working 2morrow, what day best suits you.?

turns out I’m closer to the meadowbrook, I’ll check out which one you got n let you know if it’s worth the trip for me ^^

either way thanks for the offer

Depending on how you get around, the train line here is pretty good.

Train stations at north lakes / Mango hill.

Might be easier to meet there, and do the drop off.

Probably cheaper, price wise , than driving a return trip…

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Hey Puppy…
Here is a picture…

Bing Feng MP7…foldable sights, extendable stock, and foregrip …

An earlier 1911…with a CO2 mag…( maybe wells…ive used it once)

You can have em… if you want.

Do you know, what i really dont Wanna Do…??

Go to the post office, find boxes, bubble wrap, and wrap em up…
And also pay for it…

Im a busy professional.

Im happy to give em away for free…

Your thoughts.?


Very generous offer there, BME… :+1:

I had both of those… Wells 1911 and BF MP7. Like you, I gave them away to a mate… good karma. :pray:


Thanks for the kind words…

But, you know what…
i really dont think its a generous give, at all …

I’m more concerned, about K, with less than 12 months to live, in my unit complex.

Thats what breaks my heart…She’ll be gone… in less than 12 months…

If someone wants these trinkets, they can have them… if it brings some happiness to someone else’s life…

I just wish she had another 12 months…

I’m sorry to hear that, @BME:pensive:

Puts things into perspective.

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I’m exactly the same way mate……. I will give stuff away for free, but also “charge” a fee for the amount of dicking around that it takes to spend hours finding products in a huge pile of boxes in a 50°c storage unit, cart it back to wherever I’m staying, run around several different shops in town to find the right sized cardboard box, go through my massive bin bags stuffed with all of the shipping materials that I have saved over many years to find the right amount of foam wrapping, bubble wrap etc, locate my Industrial Brown Packaging Tape Dispenser, cart it all down to the local Post Office to get weighed, send a “shipping” quote to the purchaser to be agreed upon, then exchanging several messages/emails to agree on final prices/postal costs to exchange bank details to ensure that everything is agreed upon and paid upfront before handing the package over to the Postmaster :roll_eyes:

I will just give shit away for nothing and say “give me $20 for postage”……… but that’s extremely underrated in the amount of time and effort required just to find those parts, materials, packaging etc to simply get that product to a point of being able to send it through the mail!

I’m sure that @Friendly_Fire and a few other of my recipients of gifts can understand this situation🤪

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I do indeed, Doc :slightly_smiling_face: If I can ever return that favour, sing out.

I’ve lost track of the amount of gear I’ve given away gratis…

Then again, you do come across a few old mates that have the unpleasant life habit of feathering their nests at your expense. :rofl:

How’s this for a business model? An old mate got the idea of picking up cheap trashed guitars and refurbing them for sale. His idea was that he would front the costs of purchase, usually around $10 to $15 tops. Then I would put the hours into the work, supply all the parts and advertise the guitar. On sale we were to split the profit 50-50 after he reclaimed his initial outlay with none of my supplied parts or labour factored in.:roll_eyes:

We’re talking in excess of $150 worth of hardware and at least $100 in labour in most cases, against his $15 costs.

We did it once… I went out backwards. After that he was told to jog on. :rofl:

Sounds like a perfect profitable business plan………. for himself! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sounds like you dont need him at all…

I’m sure you could find $15 lying around, and do it all yourself…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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I worked as a part time guitar tech for a while down in Melbourne… not interested in that line of work anymore.

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Good mate of mine was asked if he knew anyone who might properly appreciate a guitar and amp as a gift for a young person in the music community.

My mate tried calling me a dozen times on both his and his wife’s phones, but I missed everything because I was in the workshop all day hanging off of an angle grinder and welder!

I eventually got his missed calls and messages the next morning, so got back in contact with him.

Nothing special as in winning a $5 Million Dollar Lottery Prize, but simply had been offered this cheap old Guitar/Amp package for any young kid who would respect what they were getting and take care of such a free gift to further enhance their journey into the music industry.

My mate obviously mentioned my daughter straight away, and he was blown away by her success story, and was very excited about being able to gift such a thing to someone who would love and appreciate the gesture.

The Guitar/Amp themselves are a piece of shit cheap “raffle prize” that we have all seen in every Pub/Shop/Bottleo since the dawn of time……., but this history in itself has made these pieces of “junk” quite collectible in the music industry! :flushed:

I have this guitar and crappy commercially branded practice amplifier sitting at my feet right now, which I both love and hate in respect to what is quality and not in the industry.

But stone the crows, this old cheap piece of junk actually has quite a history and reputation behind it as a high quality instrument that was designed and made in Australia for a very cheap price, and yet has become a collectible classic instrument for its many features of solid construction and design.

This one I have been donated for my daughter is old and beaten up, but she is the type of girl to appreciate its history and spend a lot of love and time on restoring this piece of shite!

Looking forward to handing it over to her and seeing what she can build out of it :hugs:

  • EDIT: forgot to mention that these were originally designed by an Aussie bloke and were handmade here in Australia :ok_hand:

They gained a massive reputation for their build and sound quality within the industry, but unfortunately like everything else, the original bloke sold everything out to the Chinese :frowning:

This means that this brand is still available cheaply on the Internet, but they are no longer the classic Australian made version that the inventor originally released.


Hey, nothing wrong with SX guitars, Doc… highly under appreciated instruments. :+1: I love them, they’re pretty easy to pick up cheap and they’re what I always recommend to newbies looking for a quality affordable strat.

In fact, the ONLY strat I own is a highly modified SX Vintage series guitar.

Easily as good as a Squier Classic Vibe 50s which would cost at least three times as much… and less than a quarter of the price of an entry level Mexican Fender.

I’d seriously put it up against any Fender for playability, tone and quality. Plays a lot better than my nephew’s Jap strat that cost him over a grand. Mind you, I did put a fair bit of work into the upgrades which I had lying around so cost me nix.

Whatever your daughter does with it, it’ll be a solid strat. They’re pretty good as they come, but definitely not a waste of time and money if you upgrade.

Is cool kit, might try n make some mock ups more accurate to what I want, but super compact smg and short shotty is currently what I’m toyin with.

My lil technician kit ^^

Lookin at putting a canted foregrip on the pump.

The way I want to sling it all is a bit of a mess that probably isn’t practical but shhhhh it physically fits i don’t care.

Pistol on the hip, compact smg slung under right arm, cause its smoool, short shotty across the left side on a 2 point, and the thumper on a backpack if I think it fits the kit.

Pistol mags on the left side of a belt, probably 2 <I am mostly worried about them conflicting with the shotgun BUT that is where a 2point rifle is stowed when you switch to your pistol so it should be fine>
And a canted shell pouch and smg mags on the vest, a box of shells worth on the left and I figure 3 mags on the right.

This is barebones I dont have anything to set it up for further itteration yet, smg isnt the right kind and has no spare mags, and neither it or the shotty can be slung, and the pistol setup is the most basic setup for a pistol anyways.

But with my interest in woodwork and fabric, I might make some pouches and mock mags/gvns to test it out later in the year, would be a cool project ^^

Autisms make altermates a bit spicy, like the db/break-rifle, or the garand, so who knows how this’ll go.

IN OTHER NEWS, switchin from the fold4 to the flip5, and buying an electric scooter in the next few months, its just the most practical way for me to get around with my reliance on public transport and other people drivin me places, a bike while way cooler lookin, is too bulky and restricted.

So that’ll be fun to show ya, gonna set up a spot in my room to stash it ^^

I do like the idea of tactical short pump with a pistol grip and canted foregrip, slung the way I want it would be much more ergonomic to draw, and I’m not bending my wrists to hold it that way so probably more comfortable to run, it’d look pretty unique too, definitely something that would suit a ks23 or db pump more then my remington, but I’m curious to try it.

Struggling to find vertical grips online tho, both ali and amazom seem to not have em anymore, I’m sure local shops are fine but its frustrating to see


Awesome stuff mate :sunglasses:
Sorry about hijacking your thread with our off topic ramblings……. but you have been around long enough to understand how things can go off topic and get derailed very easily!

Cheers for bringing us back into line! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hehe, it’s no worries at all, off topic rambling is what this thread was made for, plus those guitars looked cool as.

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Isnt it neat, its so prettyyy, also got a scooter waitung for the next drop so I can pick it up

Gonna get some proper bike gear to go with it, get used to bringin and wearin it now for when I get a bike later aye

Misc, I learnt some rope, my room has gotten even nicer, I got a referral so adhd meds should be on the way, and I’m fixing for a haircut and dye

been a minute, we gotta move! so now i really gotta take this shiz serious huh

planning to put up the ppsh and misc nerf stuff soon, just waitin on irl fren to pick their fill before i can arrange any sale stuff, i truly have fuck all on offer tbh

very mentally… well fucked lmao, so sorry im repeating myself, i gotta or i’ll forget

had a dream, has confirmed my cravings

i dunno if it will be something i can diy or if i need to find someone talented

i wanna modify/replace my db, i want some clicky hammers, a slightly shorter barrel, and either a faux rifle barrel underneath, or homebrew with a loadable one

cause omfg the seretonin of that clicky mfer, n just seein it with all three barrels at the right length made me so happy for a minute there

ik it was a dream so not 100% accurate, but i at least wanna try

the hammers were so pretty, very simple and kinda small, probably closer to external controls for the firing pins, they were so buttery smooth to prime, cool black metal they practically flipped themselves with a nice audible click

still unsure of the underbarrel controls, i’ll have to scheme up something sooner or later, but i adore this shotgun and i want it so fuckin bad

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