Random HPA questions

Just a topic for anyone with hpa inquiries or problems


Has anyone successfully converted an APS XTP pistol to HPA?
I am curious as to if it is best to find green gas magazines that fit and put a quick connect plug in the bottom to convert to HPA running on 90 psi from the micro regulator line,
Use one way fill nipples fitted to a brass magazine plug to convert the CO2 magazines so they can be pressurised to 800 psi (CO2 bulb pressure) by connecting a HPA fill line to the high pressure regulator so they can be used without a line during games once pressurised from a HPA tank,
Just use a HPA pistol to M4 mag conversion.

you could even use an ANT co2/hpa kit.

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Hi Bandit,
I thought I created this topic incorrectly so created a new topic with its own subject.

Thanks for your reply.

I looked at the ANT kit but the pistols it is compatible with have the bulbs the other way.

The APS XTP has the piercing pin on the bottom and not the top like the ANT kit.

My thoughts were to eliminate the bulb entirely as once pierced the gas fills the chamber inside the magazine anyway. Not sure if a one way valve to use disconnected at high pressure would work or running a quick connector on a modified CO2 mag or a green gas mag with adapter or though the m4 magazine adapter at low pressure would work for a CO2 pistol designed to run on higher pressures?

Would be great to use without the HPA line connected so it can stay on my primary M4 but it might be a pipe dream.



I have used a ‘WE tech’ green gas glock mag in my aps xtp c02 pistol that i have tapped with a '‘we tech’ tap. Worked perfectly and the tap just screws right into the green gas fill valve thread.

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Thanks boofhead,
What pressure do you have to run it on?
Regards Girds

All my pistols seem to run just fine on 90psi.

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Perfect, thanks for the advice and info. :slightly_smiling_face:

Does anybody know how to feed an hpa blaster with standered mags or I have to buy the shakers?

Did your hpa kit come with mag terminal wires? The usually have a set of wires that can be plugged straight into the fcu and run straight to some mag terminals


There should be a place on the fcu that powers the mags :+1:


Is there really any difference for bb versions of the engine and gel blaster ones? Or it’s only the rubber piece on the nozzle? Or even that is after market?

The only difference would be that the gel version will come with mag terminal wires and you have to fit a nozzle rubber to extend the nozzle travel

I’ve got a good one for the brains trust.
Running a Jack in a G36, the magazine feeds faster than the gun can fire (in semi), once there is enough back pressure from gells over feeding the mag stops. is this a Jack FCU issue because it thinks theres a short? is there a way for me to fix this issue? put a resistor on the mag wiring? its frustrating as i finally got it all working and now i can only take a few shots before it shuts the mag down :frowning:

mag out and back in and itll shoot untill the back pressure is there again… lower grade motors in the mags?

EDIT: Also happens when its a battery direct to the mag as well… so shotty motors?

halp plz!


Definitely need to change mag motor, or an even better alternative that I used to use…………
Fit a small inline Arduino voltage step down regulator to speed up/slow down your existing mag motor speed to get it fine tuned for current issues and any future modifications :white_check_mark::ok_hand:


Brilliant, The guys on discord were saying i needed a DNA loom which im assuming is a loom with a regulator like that.
i did do the motor test as well and the one i swapped in worked longer before cutting out, was running slower and probably had a hight cutoff limit as well.


Bought and installed as suggested… works a treat, turned it down so that it just feeds fast enough but not so much that it causes over work on the motor.
Many thanks… though i now have less space in my hand guard for battery :smiley:
First world problems


You’re welcome!

I actually used to use Pololu voltage step down regulators, which I believe were available maybe much smaller…… but I couldn’t find them on the site to provide a link for you at the time :frowning:

Also didn’t know if you had time to wait for postage, so linked the equivalent Arduino brand part available from JAYCAR instead.

Here’s their website, you might find something suitable for the job that’s a bit smaller, but it’s an extensive site to search!

Bonus is that everything is extremely cheap these days, so I used to buy all this sort of various electronics in bulk units of 10+ , just to have plenty of stock in my parts cabinets for any future builds :+1:

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Hey mate, these were the little buggers that I used for 7.4V blasters safely…… but marginal on the input voltage when running fully charged 11.1V at 12+V :thinking:

Arduino: 43mm x 21mm x 12mm
Pololu: 16.5mm x 11.4mm x 3mm

Definitely a very tiny and useful bit of gear :+1:

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Oooo thanks for that i might upgrade to that board down the track. seeings as its HPA it’ll only be 7.4v max so over volting wont be an issue :smiley:

Thanks again, i think i used Pololu when i had a quad copter phase.