Recent purchases

Is that a FPS increase on what it used to have? Did your accuracy get better?

What gas is this on?

I did get an FPS increase was around the 240 -245 with the standard barrel, Added an extra 7cm to new barrel. Used the red can Abbey and gels were RPM Khione. Hard to say on accuracy as it was spot on before hand but I was hitting the rivet on the side of my shed for the whole mag except one stray.

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Cool, I saw a similar increase in FPS and accuracy :+1:

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Golden Eagle GBBR

Sand Viper


NGL, I like the look of the TTI Sand Viper, just not GE’s version.

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hello everyone, here is my new mini vest hahaha with access to 2 chargers that are already on the way and its central pocket in which I have put the patch of our team, greetings to all


Let’s see how this thing goes in my cyma scar.

Enjoy the toes everyone


Sweeeet :ok_hand:
Can’t wait to see the results of putting this bad baby into something deserving :sunglasses:

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I’m aiming for a chunky feeling blaster, so it’s getting my 32 tpa motor. Like my minigun on glows, i just want to grin whenever i pull the trigger


That’s what the hobby is all about mate…… escaping from reality and laughing like a clown when the pews are pewing :joy::+1:


Go full John Wick on people.

Thank you @Bandit75.


That’s no worries mate :+1:
Hope you enjoy

Finally got me one of those silly toobs for the SIG. still waiting on the walnut grips.


Pard NV007 scope add on.
Around 300 on eBay, and had works way better than expected.


ughh - i live in a world of pre-orders! I cant wait though - looks awesome

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Finally, been what 2 years in the making :thinking:

there are sooo many like that - i was hoping the F4E would drop first.


The original is still the best though …

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The froggy. Get’s tedious sifting through pages on MFD trying to remember where everything is in F16/18.

What Hotas you using?

Looking forward to the game update with multithreading, dlss and more. Looks sexy as it is now!

I’m looking forward to things like the A7 Corsair and A1 Skyraider :+1:

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