Recent purchases

You better or I’m going to ask my Ukranian friends for Manpads and take you out :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I found out the problem with my brand new XYL ARP9 3.5 when I was throwing everything out…… the bloody rubber tip on the nozzle had come adrift, first test fire straight OOTB !

No wonder it wouldn’t feed and was blocked solid with gels and confetti :roll_eyes:


tracking numbers saying, delivery at mums place has landed…on my way…!


Its German week Every week here :smiley:
but srsly, 5 of 7 of my blasters are HK’s

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Oh, i-hobby…wooden you know it…

I think i’ll transform a new phrase…
Enthusiastic, to Enthusi-crapshit

Maybe im being a bit to hard, but i think its not unreasonable to have reasonable expectations, when buying a $740 blaster…
Like the wooden stock , that doesnt move…
And, someone should check that, before sending it…



About 2.5/ 3cm of vertical, and lateral play, and about 1cm worth of extension… :rage: :rage:

And the metal clip for the sling is missing…


Like seriously, do they even check their products…??!

Who would accept that, let alone send it out like that in the first place…??

Whats the solution…?
Call them, pay for double return shipping, and wait several weeks.?

No, go see the bastards in the flesh, and get it sorted out…replace or refund…
Now, i have a rental down the coast, which is having solar installed, so i need to go down there, but otherwise, itd be a huge drive for nothing…

At least dealing with Vas, you can hold it, touch it , see it test it, before you leave…really starting to get the shits… :rage: :rage: :rage:


Which is a shame, because the rest of the blaster is very nice.
Im a bit too cranky to be subjective right now, so i’ll be quiet for a while…

Mp40 is reasonable, plastic mags, and the stock is a bit wobbly fully extended, particularly the shoulder butt. But, its designed to move, so i can accept that. Fully retracted is tight…

Lead acid batteries, and the included chargers dont even have a red/green light, so you dont know whats going on…

That’s bad luck mate :confused:
Hope you get it sorted without to much hassle :+1:

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Thats some serious wood there. yikes.
Keen to hear how they shoot when you get around to doing that.

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yeah busy day, and then this…
You wonder how some people stay in buisness…

I’ll the batteries charge (???) for a while and see how they go…
lead acid batteries, that charge through the plug…

WTAF far out thats the STG yea, looks nothing like the site pic :face_with_head_bandage:


Is the wood at least good quality? The complete absence of a grain is really concerning.

Also that’s shit that the 40 mags are plastic. Would’ve thought they’d go full metal besides the Bakelite on that one.


I was sort of keen for a future sten but not now, they use the same mags apparently as the MP40

I added :rage: to reactions as I didn’t think :open_mouth: cut it

Screenshot 2022-07-26 at 4.35.01 pm


the wood is well, lacking grain, but a decent colour.

The stg has metal mags, it looks and feels the right amount of ‘beautifully ugly’,
and the receiver is super firm, as youd expect pressed steel to feel like , on the real thing.

The slop on the stock is unforgiveable, you could fix it yourself by drilling two pins through metal and wood, then araldite, but you shouldnt have to…looks like a shark, waving its tail…

Mp 40 is also rigid receiver and magazine, stock is a bit wobbly, but to be expected for a fold out stock. Locked in retracted ( my preferred look) its nice and tight, so i can live with that…


Greatgrandadddy has come to visit. Here he is with some of his offspring-


And by himself-


He’s a fairly longboi - just over 940mm. And solid. Weighs 4.175kg with mag in.

Wood has grain. Well, if it’s not real, it’s a pretty good imitation :grin: Actually, a real nice stock.

Has the orange tip and a black one. Also comes with a metal hopup that has a flash hider that goes over it. Extra tongues (different sizes) for the hopup too.


When you say “doesn’t move”, do you mean not at all, even when you push the locking pin in?
And, how far does your locking pin go in? Mine only moves about 13mm, then stops. Stock still wont’ come off, but I remember one video I saw of an AS one where the reviewer had a hard time getting the stock to move at first.

Exactly what one AS reviewer said about the one he got. I was sort of expecting mine to be like that, but it’s rock solid.

Ah, yes. The mags. After seeing an airsoft version of the STG disassembled, I thought “how the hell are they going to fit mag terminals to this?” The answer, they didn’t. Two AAA batteries go in the base of the mag. What operates it? The small pin at the top that also opens up the feed tube. But, I’ve tried both mine, and they work as soon as you insert the mag, or just push that pin down.
BUT, they only work for a few seconds. You have to bump the mag to start the motor again, and it only runs for a few seconds. Now that’s without any gels in the mag. But having gels in shouldn’t make any difference to whether the mag motor keeps running.
Tomorrow, I’m going to see if I can disassemble one of the mags to see how they are wired.


Honestly, same. The AEG version of a Sten already had me kind of iffy, as I have no idea how they’d pull off the weird open bolt/safety arrangement, but adding plastic magazines to the mix just completely kills any enthusiasm for me.


Ok…here is the problem…
the stock shroud ,was securely held in place, into the receiver by the pin…
The wooden stock (only) had 3 cm of vertical, and lateral slop, within the confines of the outer shroud…

I found the problem…one and a half stripped wooden threads…


One was fully stripped, and rotating, the other half biting but not tightening…

Solution… get some longer, slightly larger diameter, self tapping wood screws, but will it last.?? the timber is really shit quality…

Is your wooden stock, completely immobile and rigid…??

Wooden stock = particle board…yaay for quality, and long term retention…

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The stock is rigid in the metal shroud while on the blaster. I haven’t got it off yet. Will have another go tomorrow.
How far did you push that pin in? Mine went about 13mm, then it felt like it locked into a groove or something similar.

yeah, mine went through, and locked in…tight, but able to be removed with a little force…as you want it…

Im thinking longer screws, a bit of wood glue, and fuck the trip to ihobby…