Recent purchases

Yep, my only complaint is hard mode is just a damage and health modifier and doesnt change the enemy placement or variety at all.

I bought it on a whim instead of pokemon pearl for my birthday, and it was my first metroid game ever, and I friggin love it

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Smart choice. I heard the DP remakes were pretty terrible, especially compared to Platinum on DS.

Which is your favourite Metroid game in the series, out of curiosity? Mine’s probably Fusion, even though it’s so different from the others in terms of linearity. I personally thought it was a brilliant way to tell the story of how Samus was chafing under the shadowy benefactors tight leash.

OMG…… this old relic is lost and confused with this new language you are speaking of! :joy:

How does it compare to the Commodore 64 or the older ATARI system that we got in 1978?

Us old relics have to stick together.
Anyone for a game of marbles?

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Dunno myself, Doc… :joy:

But I imagine you don’t load a data cassette up, run BASIC commands from your non-integrated keyboard to install, then go and do an oil change on your car while you’re waiting for it to load… only to come back to this screen message…

“Syntax error line 10”

The good ol’ Commodore 64 days, hey? When we finally splashed out for the 1541 MKII disc drive and thought we were up with NASA technology. :laughing:

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Yup, I took one look at the boxart of pearl and said nope. And I was tight they broke that game so bad and I still have platinum.

I have only played dread so thats my favourite, but I might play more sometime. I 100%'d it, and it was a lot of fun, shame the hard mode wasnt like Katan Zero’s

Hehe it’s okay, talkin about games on the new nintendo.

Pokemon has become high profile shovelware

And metroid finally got a new game and it was really good

It’s a lot smoother, still has those DS style cartridges for your games, and most of the big name games are really good

Some patches😁


I need the Shit Creek Survivor for sure! :roll_eyes::joy:

Beast Mode full auto please :grin:



Yeah, have that one.
Usually on my beanie😅

I Bought one help my soul, ill get a pic of it set up when arrives :>


Are you missing a kidney :flushed::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I stole all the kidneys


Who woke up in the ice bathtub…

Family, friends, or neighbours.?? :joy:

Wow… the specs on that sucker are almost better than what get with real steel.

Looking forward to reading more about it, but the price of entry is waaay more than my kidneys are worth. :wink:

The neighbors dog woke up in the bathtub im sure it wont notice its kidney is gone

It wants, it’s kidney back…

With Interest…!!

ill eat it then :> then it wont have to worry