Recent purchases

Who’d you get that through?

AliExpress :sweat_smile:
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So now you know I’ll be stroking that baby🤣

I’m always sceptical about getting stuff like that, even though it says battery case on it knowing my luck it’d still get seized cause it has laser markings on the actual unit.

Have ordered plenty of the full peq box battery holders, just wanted something a little less bulky for the machine pistol builds.
Never had a problem or any opened for inspection :thinking:

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Apart from gearboxes, receivers, and suppressors, I have ordered almost everything from overseas at some point. Had a few parcels inspected but still made it… yet!



Is that a QBZ Type 97 I spy there at the top? :thinking:

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Indeed it is good sir :thinking::sweat_smile:

Another old school bullpup I have to add to the collection… :joy:

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Were did you get that one from

I thought you had one on old forum :thinking: or was it cruze or that other fella. Oh well good luck :+1:

Came in a bulk lot that Dave (Donnybrook) picked up to sell on👍
There are 3 more😁


The magic words… :wink:

We may need to talk, Mutha… :thinking:

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Any Steyrs in the stash?

There were one or two, not sure on model though :thinking:

You better be quick :rofl:

Another patch and a dangly thing for car mirror or whatever :rofl:


ayooo metroid dread

how’d ya like that ^^

Absolutely loved it. It’s a proper metroid game. The devs are 3rd party, and haven’t made one before, but you can tell they have a deep, abiding respect for the mainline series. 100% worth buying if you’re on the fence. Frankly, if you’re big into Metroid games, I’d say it’s worth buying a 2nd hand Switch for.

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