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Well you see that would be a bit of protein

Can’t talk…gagging…!!
And only a small bit of protein, at that…

That could be taken a few different ways… gagging on Trumps cock or being a goat :rofl:

Just for the record… i never said, i’d go there…
And i wouldn’t…

and, if anyone did…
when you finally crapped it out, that would mean TPP ( trump penis proteins),
would be in contact, with your a-noose…!!

Double/ triple / quad throwing up , now… :cold_face: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

Think about that, @AitkenTheAcorn

Throw Up GIFs | Tenor


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i would continue the fun but i have just lost the love of my life to someone else and i just i dont know the pain is unbearable

I know what that feels like, sorry to hear. You’ll get better eventually, takes time though.

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the issue its its been 10 years of my life led on broken hearted led on some more broken hearted again repeatedly over that time i dont know what to even think anymore

So sorry to hear that.

The greatest riches, you can have, in this life…

is people , in your life, you can truly love, and trust…
Betrayl really hurts.

Hope you can move past it.
We all do, with time…

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That’s a shame. i have never dated, ever so i dunno what it’s like :smiley:

Have you finished school yet or what :rofl:

Its not a joke.

Love, is one of the most powerful, of all human emotions.
It can persist, long after, the person , is gone…

My dads, gone, but i still think about him, everyday…
My grandparents, too…

Pain , is the ultimate price we all pay, for loving people , in this world…
Because , they all, ultimately, go…

But the pain is worth it, it’s ultimately better than just being empty…
They give us more, than the cost of losing them, at the end…

Best to, appreciate the people, in your life…
you dont know, how long you have them for…

my 2c, anyway…


i am not laughing at someone else’s expense. i’ve just stayed single for like…ever.

so it’s something i don’t have first-hand experience.

i finished in '02 in case you’re wondering. ngl it’s not something i bothered to try back then.

it doesn’t mean i am heartless.

Yeah, reality sucks hey. Not much love left in my scarred heart from loosing lots of loved ones. These days I just try keep upbeat to strangers. I can be thankful my Mother and Father are still alive, just had a bit of an oops with Dad but he’s on the road to recovery. Such is life and nothing lasts forever unfortunately so I try enjoy every hour of it while I’m able to.
Why I love my animals, probly more than some humans. They give me purpose, a living and funny enjoyable times with the silly things the buggers get up to at times is hilarious. Lambs doing burnouts in groups at 7am in the morning so funny. But I am a simple man.


Yeah it’s all good, hard to tell via just letters on a screen, that’s no problemo. I never said you were heartless. It was my poor sarcastic attempt at a joke. Sorry.

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my reaction may not be what you expect because yes i don’t have that level of experience. i compensate by using emotes to try and be more lighthearted but yeah that’ll be misinterpreted.

so TL: DR, I have no dating experience and nearly 40… will be a steve carrel :smiley:

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take a chance…

go out there…take a few risks…

look at it this way…you have everything to gain, and nothing to lose…!!
even if you are rejected…dont worry…you’ve taken a chance, are still ahead of where you were…

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That’s fine a good nieghbour of mine is 46 yo and he’s never dated anyone. Great fella, and his sister same. Always willing to help out. Seen him yesterday and got my 2 dozen free eggs as their chooks are on the lay big time apparently. I save egg cartons and give to them so they can put them in something and sell them at local shops. It’s all good :smile: