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Oh yea that was my motto with a few tweaks. I’m just not interested anymore. Better things to do :+1:

Aww…let him , have a go…
everyone deserves a chance…

So, yeah…have a crack…oops… i mean have a try…

You deserve , to be subjugated, and miserable, like the rest of us…!! :rofl: :rofl:

I’m just waiting for a new model to come out, my generation of females were very non committal depending which way the wind blew they were off. Never again wasted thousands of dollars and still recovering financially. So yea better things to do these days :+1:

I was lucky(ish)

my ex and i, had a 12 yr on/off relationship.

her family , were salt of the earth, good country folk.
They became, my 2nd family…very close knit.

It didnt work out between us, but…

Im so glad, of the time i spent with them all…

Bec’s Dad, Bob…
Was the founding father of, southern cross , steam railway…


Thread drift…
Hugs for @AitkenTheAcorn
Life gets better…

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that is the human experience.

Gets harder as you get older . Lost my two best friends and three more of our old car crowd this year. Just have to keep going. As my best friend used to say., “lf you wake up and don’t hurt, you’ll know you’re dead”


Astounded to hear that you are nearly 40 and never had a relationship :frowning:
We are all human and all living different lives.
Don’t judge your own life against others who have lived alternative lives.

We all have our own paths and destinies, and I actually envy the fact that you haven’t lived my life where I’m counting about 1.75 million dollars of my hard earned money pissed into the wind through failed relationships with women doing the dirty on me :roll_eyes:

Sorry to hear that mate, a bad run for sure.

I lost a few best friends. One had a seizure while swimming by himself and drowned 31yo I still have his International Scout here his father and brother said they wanted to keep it here as he loved coming here and 4wd’in.

Another, Darren only made it to 20 and his sister came back from interstate to check on him as was home alone not answering. Dead, sist in his throat burst while asleep and died. Perfectly healthy and unknown problem. That went down hard.

I got photos of our good times to reflect on which I have in my collection. Remember the good times :smile:

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Shit a brick but not really surprising, trying to help a mate through his Narcissist ex’s breakup and he’s around 1.4M at the moment. Possibly climbing what I last heard :roll_eyes:

Yeah it happens hey! :joy:
This latest drama has cost me 4 x classic cars, my 5 acres of land/house in a highly desirable area, an attack from the ex-missus for $70k which I paid even though only legally liable for $17k etc etc……. but that’s life and have lost so much more in my existence, so am just taking everything on the chin until the dust settles, have a legal case to get the $50k back plus the opportunity to push for another $30k minimum, but simply happy to sit back right now as a homeless person who is now on Jobseeker under a Disability exemption to try and rebuild my life/work career again under my limited health restrictions.

So since September/October 2022 I have lost everything that I owned and basically have given away $200k and still counting until January 2024 when I can finalise a few other legal responsibilities.

Wasn’t my fault that I died twice, that my spine has destroyed itself through years of hard work, having to give up my business and my work through my health failing in a seriously debilitating condition……. this has only come about because I left home at 15 years old and have worked my ring out in very physically demanding jobs my whole life.

Unfortunately it has all eventually caught up with me in my older age and severely impacted my life/health.

The only one and awesome thing that comes with older age and several life threatening traumas/relationship breakdowns/massive personal losses etc is the fact that is a favourite attitude towards life.

I always say to friends and family, who are all amazed how I’m still alive and in good spirits, despite all of the major challenges and stress that I have had to endure in life…… I am simply at the point where I laugh at adversity!

I have survived more than what most people wouldn’t even imagine having to deal with in the very worst of three lifetimes, which has the effect of becoming as hard as fck as to any challenges that life tries to throw at me!

Every time shit goes downhill, I always just say “Seriously life, is that the best punch you can hit me with? Because I have taken hundreds of hits and nothing else can even rattle me anymore.” ! :joy:

Dying and being revived, being told that you are on borrowed time tends to give you a completely different perspective on life, which results in laughing at the modern world where people whinge about the most mundane things as being so difficult to deal with that they are on the brink of suicide, whereas to me, it’s no more important than stubbing your toe on a rock :roll_eyes:

Life is a battlefield, only the strongest survive, which all hinges on how resilient you are as an individual.

Unfortunately the majority of people today have life so easy, they get so upset over the most trivial things and have no testicular fortitude to be able to face and deal with seriously difficult situations that they might face.

I sound like an old “Boomer” or something, but I have earned my experience and stand strong behind my convictions, not worrying about who I might “upset” with my actions/opinions! :flushed:

*EDIT: forgot to mention that the Triple Pulmonary Embolism that tried to take my life back then, reoccurred only a month or so ago, as maybe some people here might remember that I posted as being offline back in Hospital again!

Weak bastard reoccurrence didn’t manage to try and kill me again……… hence why I’m still here typing this! :joy:


i have already accepted my fate.

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That’s sad. Time for you to go and build a new blaster

Yea too true, although I don’t really say much about it. Like I said a long time ago you and I get along ok as we have some things in common.

I say some things to attempt to show people how things really are on the frontline for the most part as it’s challenging in my world as most have no idea. I’m not looking for sympathy I’m just trying to show people how it really is so they can make informed decisions in their future choices. Alot and I have seen it locally, given up, had Elders come and load their sheep up and sell their farm on them to recoup debt, breakups where the ex walks away with 90% of a 2M dollar farm and the list goes on.

I do my best to stay viable, you gotta be flexible not just physically but strong upstairs too. Plus you’ve also got to want to do it helps. I’ve also been told by specialists to stop lifting anything over 10kg or my back will go and I’ll be wheelchair job. That’s a bit of a worry at my young age as there is not much under 10kg on farm that makes money, but I’ve been getting by, using my front end loader more to lift things like that etc.

Where there’s a will there’s a way I say :smile:


Finally lashed out and got a GE 3305 M1A1 style. Mainly as a display piece and because cant afford M1 carbine at the new price point,

Oiled it and loaded up some old AKs. Started with 12m A4 paper target and accuracy surprised with hanging paper target chopped up. Fired it outside and was getting good accuracy at 30m. Ran 3 mags of 15 gels before gas ran out. Amazing stuff

Now to figure out how to get a GE barrel in the WeTech

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That’s some pretty decent accuracy out of the box! :ok_hand:

One quick question…


You doing ok…!?
Hope so…

Ye im alive n hopelessly lost

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it gets better.
It always does.
It just , takes some time…

Take one, hot chocolate…and a kitten, curling, sleeping, at your feet…!!

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maybe , you need, a dose or red birb…

Owned by a japanese guy , this dork of a bird, has so much personality…

His WeWeWeWe laugh, consumes souls, depression, and sadness…

Just surrender, to Lord Gumi…!!

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