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How would you fit it? As I said, the inner barrel ends way inside the outer.
And, to actually access the inner barrel, you have to disassemble the blaster.

It slides down the inside of the outer barrel, and then fits like a collar around the IB inside with the tongue inside the IB. …I think. For obvious reasons I can’t check it right now.

One of these?

That’s the one, yeah :slight_smile: I don’t know why they say it’s steel, though. It’s 100% nylon.

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Could be.
It actually sounds like it has reasonable VE. Some of my other blasters that do have good ve and good fps on small springs sound much like it.
For that fps, it must a fair sized spring, but there is no piston hammer at all.
I might try Jazzy’s suggestion, and if that’s no good, pull it down and see what’s actually inside it.


Ok thanks. I’ll see if I can get one of them.

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Got my MP40 and STG44 on Tuesday, been too busy to do much with them yet. Currently pulling the MP40 mags apart to plug the hole that AS version used. Pretty disappointing mags. Make me a sadbot.


Oh and my STG44 stock nearly fell off out of the box. Easy fix but ffs, no QC on something so simple has me concerned about the rest of it. Looks and feels much better than the MP40.
Same joy (sacrasm) as @BME


Ok…bit of a short burst, on the MP40…( pun intended)

first, the chrono results…using xforce pinks
40 chron

By far, the weakest link is the crappy mag. Apart from being plastic, it is spring fed, and the feed tube holds around 50 gels. So, a full auto burst, lasts about as long, as squiddy, at a gas mask conference…about 3 seconds… :rofl:

It is of metal construction, and pulls apart easily, showing the inline gearbox, and battery space. Plenty of room for the battery. The gearbox will last forever, as it simply will not run long enough to wear out…

Front end…

The rear stock is a bit wobbly extended…once locked into place, there is a little bit of up/down motion…and the very rear shoulder guard moves around a Lot…I prefer it in the retracted position, so i can live with that.


The charging handle does move, and is not a “blowback” incorporated part.

Overall, stock retracted, it feels ok in the hand…the STG is much sturdier overall. Performance is ok, and accuracy better than the STG, but the mag really kills it for me. I could live with it being plastic, if it was electric and held a couple hundred useful gels. As it is, its more of a collectable, which is sorta what I expected anyway.

It’d be nice to paint the grips etc bakerlite, to give it a bit of individuality.
Any genius’s here, know how to convert the mag, to electric.?.?

Im glad i got it on sale, $500 worth of value is simply not here.
Compared to the thommy, another ww2 gun, i’d pick the thommy at $550, for its useable mag, even though it has faux wood.

I did want a mp40, i wish it was better overall, but having this is better than nothing…

Mild dissapointment…just another day, in the gelsoft world…


Great review and pics :+1:
Is a great resource for anyone considering purchasing one of these :ok_hand:

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Photos are a bit blurry, but that happens with one handed phone shots…

I also neglected to mention, that with stock retracted, you can pick it up , and weild, one handed, like a big pistol…

Fix up the mags, and i’d give it a decent 7.8 / 10…

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Try and fit an arp9 mag internals into it.


part of the problem is, there is no electrical connection, to the trigger, no contacts in the magwell…

The mag just works off spring pressure, it has no connection to the trigger…

The stg-44 has 2 aaa batteries, in the bottom of the mag well, to power the mag. It also has no electrical connection, to the trigger. It must have a sensor, in the feed tube, to run the motor , when it drops below a certain level…
so, a bit complicated…

It’s not difficult to wire up mag terminals powered from the trigger…… but modifying the mags to fit motors and feed tubes might be more difficult. :confused:
Probably not an issue for someone like Bigmuthadrums :+1:

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Very close, size wise… to the thompson mags…
Could be a possibility…

This, looks like a job, for superman, …i mean bigmutha…! :rofl: :rofl:

The actual blaster is metal, isnt it?

yeah, metal receiver, front end, trigger…just the mag is plastic.

All assembled, it feels " pretty good, no slop around the 2 parts".

The STG, is absolutely rock solid…in comparison


Top profile pick of the mag?
Is it rounded or square edges?:thinking:

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Could be on a winner here, with using a arp9 mag…

It just fits into the magwell…it would need a bit of trimming down, but the arp mag plastic feels like its quite thick, and could handle it…

That could be the easy fix, to getting a motorised mag…




I don’t have a problem :roll_eyes::sweat_smile: