Damn, that sux
Mine were aftermarket Alloy stocks with the screw on end caps, so easy to run a standard battery with the cap left off and stock extended.
Maybe can find a similar aftermarket stock to suit yours to make battery selection much easier
Finally got my Bohan MPX in the mail. Definitely a new experience compared to the Sijun MCX in terms of build quality, but can’t wait to try it out in a skirmish this Sunday!
Purchased an SLR ION for my daughter while they were on special for half price. Chrono’d at 16RPS and 290fps with an 11.1v. Quite happy with that for a $300 metal blaster
Upgrades I have a spare SLR hop up that will go on tomorrow and considering Chi Hai 460 red motor.
She chose the tan over the black model, such a good girl
Good girl indeed! The tan and black two tone always works well imo,
Upgrade potential in these is pretty high, because metal cyma gearbox
They take a 480 motor though, so plenty of options available.
If it’s a Long Shaft 460 motor, it will still fit in place and work, but will need packing/shimming under the grip plate to hold the proper gear mesh…or just save it for another build if concerned about it and get the proper 480
Reasonably hefty yet feels balanced, haven’t shot it yet for chrono testing.
My only complaint with it is the battery stowage, there’s a little nub thing protruding from the top of the gearbox, they all have it, that stops the battery from going any further if it’s orientated one way, but if you rotate it to clear it the cables coming from the battery don’t fit cause they come out the sides not straight out.
Also the battery wire coming from the gearbox is super long unnecessarily with one wire being like 2" longer than the other so you can’t even wrap them up neatly inside.
Looks neat. I’m going to work on mine this week.
Just gotta decide on the rps I’ll go for!
Will run 12 or 13:1 gears and a t238 ETU and brushless motor either 25k or 28k… 26,27, or 30rps are the options I’m looking at!
Ok nice. where would I find one of these. Found a larger 7.4 that runs a lot better for the moment. Only thing that concerns me about 11v is I’ll only be running semi and I’m trying to avoid arcing. I’d love to see or hear about the semi perf on one of those batteries. Also if you’ve taken it apart and checked the contacts.