Interesting day.
Met up with @Friendly_Fire , at vipertac, for a clearance bin rummage….
Walked out with….another pulse rifle (their last one).
I know, I know, I can hear all your groans from here…but….
This is a repaint jobby.
It’s been on my mind for awhile now. Of doing a brown Bess repaint.
The xforce one is olive green, and, to be screen accurate, brown Bess is needed.
Also, the xforce sliding stock, barrel and barrel vents, and spas cage are grey.
They were all black in the movie.
So, go from green to Bess brown, and blacken the rest.
We’ll see how complicated it is, to pull one of these apart, and how much needs to be done for painting. It might not need a full pull apart.
Could also do the black pulse rifle, completely all black…
Might resume this thread, on the pulse rifle page…
P.R. And 3 magazines for $600 is pretty good value, considering the mags go for about $90 each…
Also, fired the v2.5 E&C DMR…wow…
370 fps, and easily covering a range of 35-40m …and pretty reasonable accuracy at that range…you could hit a person at that range.
Had to leave, before the day got too expensive…!!