Recent purchases

Not my purchase but purchased for me…

Tada! :rofl:

The old venerable Hanke M97 manual shotgun. We all know how underated these are.

Straight out of the box and pulled apart, spring upped to a 1.4mm jobbie, retro fitted a hopper from a Sig Sauer P226 manual pistol, fitted buffer tube and spare M4 stock.

300-310FPS on the chrono with Goat Balls, no surprises there. Just have to sort a longer inner barrel and hopup and I’ve got the ultimate backyard plinker. :sunglasses:


Looks like the label on the battery has changed but I believe this is the same one

Haven’t taken it apart to check contacts, that’s still outside my wheelhouse

Yeah I wouldn’t recommend digging around inside LiPo batteries!

Too risky for even this highly experienced electrical nerd.

Bin and Buy new would definitely be my advice. :+1:

to be clear I mean the trigger contacts in the gearbox

Or if you want a free fireworks show: stab it with a nail or knife, just stay upwind of the smoke.

Yeah they certainly are pretty impressive, especially if you fully charge them first!

Sorry, got my wires crossed there.!
Yes, the trigger contacts are common for tarnishing and losing performance or many other issues.

There’s plenty of V2 aftermarket trigger upgrades available that use much higher quality metals for the contacts and are quite cheap, so that’s what I’d recommend for reliability, longevity and higher electrical performance :ok_hand:

I’d be going with these at the moment. Been using them for years and they are still going.
Turnigy nano-tech 1200mAh 3S 25-50C Lipo AIRSOFT Pack
They have a range at the moment and you can see the price. Check the specs down below for the physical dimensions of the battery to fit your needs.

Turnigy batteries are good and the price isn’t bad either. Ran a heap for years too!

Fairly sure they have these at my local field. The SLR Ion battery compartment it pretty small but I’ll give one a test next time I’m there.

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How are they selling them for less than $5? Even at full price that’s kinda triggering the “too good to be true” flag

Likely what they cost to make and have an abundance of them. The postage is $20, I just ordered 4 for $40. Still good price.

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bit too long for the stock :cry:

Can you measure the space you have?

These are 30mm shorter than the one I linked too above. Also 2s or 3s?

Turnigy nano-tech 1000mAh 3S 20-40C Lipo AIRSOFT Pack

Interesting day.

Met up with @Friendly_Fire , at vipertac, for a clearance bin rummage….

Walked out with….another pulse rifle (their last one).

I know, I know, I can hear all your groans from here…but….

This is a repaint jobby.

It’s been on my mind for awhile now. Of doing a brown Bess repaint.

The xforce one is olive green, and, to be screen accurate, brown Bess is needed.
Also, the xforce sliding stock, barrel and barrel vents, and spas cage are grey.

They were all black in the movie.

So, go from green to Bess brown, and blacken the rest.
We’ll see how complicated it is, to pull one of these apart, and how much needs to be done for painting. It might not need a full pull apart.

Could also do the black pulse rifle, completely all black…

Might resume this thread, on the pulse rifle page…

P.R. And 3 magazines for $600 is pretty good value, considering the mags go for about $90 each…

Also, fired the v2.5 E&C DMR…wow…
370 fps, and easily covering a range of 35-40m …and pretty reasonable accuracy at that range…you could hit a person at that range.

Had to leave, before the day got too expensive…!!

Was there much in the bins? Been meaning to pop down to have a look for the next build.

Barrels, lots of motors, various gearboxes , stocks (not many with buffer tubes), grips…

All in varying states…

Worth a look, if your not too far away…

Friendly fire got a 7.0 mm barrel, for choke purposes…

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Just over the highway so yeah not far.
Cool thanks.
I was in there like the day before they put everything out asking if they had a graveyard bin too :roll_eyes:.

Brown Bess / all blacked out…

weathering looks good too…

Comparo shot, from earlier review…
“standard Xforce”, on the bottom.

It looks meaner, with the blacked out barrel / vents/ stock…

Brown bess is the colour of the mag cap cover, on the middle one.

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