Retailers, Ranked

They might be having supply issues with China exports liking to hold containers for no reason, and I don’t know if they’re shipping directly to the states thanks to a certain former president

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Yes, from what I’ve heard chatting with a couple of US retailers, there’s been quite a shift in the laws/processes/customs attitudes towards Gelblaster shipping out of China and getting them through Customs in other countries who have never really encountered them before……… so they are being a bit wary of them obviously not really confident about their legality in those countries.

Here’s some very good examples of how even Monkey Mods had to restructure their advertising and shipping of their blasters:

#1: They Photoshopped their online product images to appear less realistic……

………or they removed the images completely and replaced them with the product name only…….

#2: The Blasters were shipped disassembled to anywhere outside of Malaysia, but offered assembled blasters for local customers in certain areas.

#3: All other Blasters were shipped either incomplete/non functional and required the working parts to be ordered/shipped separately……

#4: Sold as kits requiring purchaser to fully assemble/build themselves.

So yeah, a very big change to their business to comply with laws and customs in their own country.

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Aaaaahhhhhh……… this bought back memories from the good old days!
They were only but one of my main suppliers of small parts and accessories,

………and never actually bought a complete Gelblaster from them, as I preferred to spend my money with Australian businesses for larger purchases, but still managed a pretty decent spend with Monkey Mods over those few years :flushed::joy::+1:

That’s a shitonne of small parts!


Well that just sucks. Never knew there was an issue with these entering the states. Not sure what are my options in terms of getting one locally at least.

But hey low key proud to know a Malaysian gelsoft company is actually being uphold so highly abroad. Who would’ve known lmao

I would’ve thought with the majority of airsoft imports to the states being from asian countries gel blasters would fall into a similar category.


It’s what I thought so too

So quick update, I tried the email you sent shared to me and I emailed them and until no I still haven’t gotten any response. As far as going with X-Factor, I think I’ll hold off for now until any actual updates to their US site occurs.

But as for everything else, just seems like AKgelblaster is like… the only site there is. I guess i have to be open to other sources that’ll take a long while to ship, which I wouldn’t prefer in the first place.

I’m still open to any other sources! If you do know a reliable source please drop them my way. I still check in frequently, so any help counts. Thank you again in advance

EDIT: I’ll include this here rather than just making another reply, I found some sources and I would like to know if these are like trusted or reliable sources; (randomly searched on google) (initially stumbled on a reddit comment, then went to the AliX page, then the seller has its own website) (surprisingly they carry some. Not sure how it’s priced tho)

EDIT 2: So the regional manager of X-Force had responded to my email earlier. Figured to show for clarity

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Sounds like Xforce are low on stock. Oh well. They do have the CYMA m4 and a dozen spare mags for that showing in stock USA store. Great first blaster.

Those other three stores you linked look ok so far.
Evike you can be sure is not dodgy seem to have EMG and APS blasters, decent brands that come from airsoft converted to gel ball, we had/have them here. No mags though :roll_eyes:

AKuncle store, there’s no mags or accessories and likely shipping from China. Although had good success and about a week through Alix buying from AKuncle before.

Gelblastergun never heard of, store looks to have fair amount of stock in USA of China made blasters at good prices and they have some types of mags! They look legit with credit card and Paypal payment so you get protection there.


Hopefully I’ll get a reply soon and see where it goes. Just sucks as I just seen I had an email from literally after I replied saying that they haven’t got back to me still lol

Evike is like one of the mainstream source for airsoft equipment from what i knew growing up. I was surprised myself to see it, they look decent to me. As for mags, they do actually carry some for it. Had to scroll for a short bit and it seemed to me its compatible. And I like it because it has all the other things like attachments, gears, and obviously the guns. Its just came out a whole lot more than what i was comparing lol

As for AKuncle, would you say to just order from AliX instead?

Also when it comes through transaction for getting gel blasters, is paypal like preferred over card?

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Not sure but I can’t even find a gen 8 magazine on AliX like there used to be thousands.

Paypal just gives you an extra layer of protection. Some hate it but I’ve always had success. If your bank is any good your ccard should be fine.

Some of us got stung when buying from Zendhou with credit card fraud. Some peoples banks stopped it immediately, others did not.

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I mentioned AkGelblaster as they are US based and have exceptional customer service……. but that’s not helpful if they don’t have any stock of the particular Gelblaster you are looking for.

EVIKE is largely APS branded Gelblaster, but they have definitely been around a long time and have plenty of parts and accessories available……. but just b aware to get Gelblaster specific gears/tappets/internal components though, because AIRSOFT mechanical designs are different to Gelblaster internal workings.

A couple of other US based Gelblaster retailers I will link below, but I don’t have any experience or specific knowledge about these companies or their reputations towards their products/customer service…… so I would suggest looking for customer reviews regarding their opinions about their experiences with them.

And last but not least……especially if you get really desperate, there’s TaccyToys USA.
I have no idea what their products/customer service is like in the USA, but it surely couldn’t be any worse than their Australian reputation :roll_eyes::thinking:

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I looked at Tactoys but didn’t bother mentioning them, they only have their rehashed gen 8 in stock and no bloody mags similar to a lot of others. According to their websites anyway.

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Yeah typical TaccyToys…… I didn’t even look at their site either :roll_eyes:

I did notice that one of the other sites did have the new Gen8 still in stock, which is a bit of a bonus, as they sold like hotcakes as soon as they were released only a couple of months ago and are already difficult to find :thinking:

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Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll check it out for sure. As for AKgelblaster, I have a couple of things in my cart. But as of now, I’m still looking and surveying still. I also need to find the gear to go along with too.

For evike, I understand its mainly about airsoft rather than gelsoft, and the parts are vastly different. Its more so just news to me that they carry which i never knew.

For tactoys… wasn’t it like garbage tier as listed above? I kinda been avoiding that ever since i saw the post. Unless its a whole different store lol

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Well for my bank i think its fine, they stopped me from even making a transaction at one point because they deemed it “fishy”. And a few other times too. But i’ll definitely use paypal.

Also side note, here’s an update from Scott;

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TaccyToys reputation is trash here in Australia, but none of us know how they are treating their customers in the USA.

The difference is that TaccyToys USA is literally a completely independent retailer that is simply on selling products to the US market who are supplied by TaccyToys and using their business models/websites/ordering/payment/packaging software/systems and services etc.

Obviously TaccyToys are getting a cut of the profits, get to expand their brand overseas and move more products through their books to boost their business worth/value.

We don’t know if their shitty customer support service and crap warranties have been carried over to the US Retailer, or whether they are actually following their own business practices to offer their US customers a much better service than what the Australian company was fking up completely.

You can do some local research and see if the company is operating with much better morals and customer satisfaction in the US, but as long as they aren’t copying the same dodgy practices that TaccyToys were caught out doing here in Australia……… using/bribing employees, friends, family and whoever else to compile a huge amount of fake positive reviews online……. whilst deleting/removing/censoring unhappy customers who were leaving genuine bad reviews :roll_eyes::rage:


Hmm, to be on the safe side I’ll just avoid them entirely. I don’t wanna gamble on it especially if it involves with my money.

I appreciate it and thank you for the heads up👌

EDIT: I checked the link that goes by 416Gelblaster(?) and it isn’t really US based? It said it’s UK based but they said they ship from china. And kinda misleading on the payment options. There was never any paypal option, just google pay and shoppay(and CC too). Sucks because they have a better selection, and pricing too.

I really do want to get some stuff from AKGelblaster but I also don’t know how often or how soon they stock their stuff. I wanted like a spot where I can at least get everything kitted out, gun wise to the attachments, accessories, etc. Just trying not to settle for less lol

Anyway sorry to bother. I appreciate you and those that chimed in and gave their input. At least there’s a whole lot more for me to dig through to research. Do keep em coming, any help is still appreciated!


It’s no bother, let us know how you go and what you end up going with.

Ask more questions on specific blasters you are looking at diving in to and a lot here have experienced most of what I have seen available to you.

Good luck :+1:


Has anyone had dealings with this mob?

Just saw Low Guido’s video on the new LDT mag and said he got it through these guys, they got some very interesting stuff on there, thou they’re based out of Hong Kong.

They got a FMG9 gel blaster and even a smoke emitting tracer unit.

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Looks legit, especially if LowGuido is dealing with them :thinking:

I used to get a fair bit of stuff from Hong Kong, and never had any issues, much less than many other overseas companies.