Retailers, Ranked

Thank you for the fast response. I remember this was one of the first few sites i looked up. Idk what’s the reason behind it but the sites look vastly different from each other. Is that normal?c

I’ll also keep a lookout for that brand, thank you

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I’ll definitely check it out. Are majority of them polymer or metal?

Thank you again for the fast response


You can research the products available yourself as to what is made of Nylon/Metal/ABS etc and find a product that suits your tastes and budget :+1:

X-Force Tactical USA is highly recommended, and the only other Company that I would recommend is:

To everyone in this hobby/sport/community, a good company is one who has a very high standard of customer communication and after sales support.

Sure that there’s many Online US/UK/European/Asian Companies coming out of the woodwork to cash in on the new growing Gelblaster market throughout these regions ……. but the vast majority are unfortunately only dodgy drop-shippers who are out to prey on the vulnerable people.

You have made the smart choice to join in and ask your questions here, as you will get plenty of great advice from many well experienced people from this community who will help you to save money in purchasing a proven product that is from a reputable supplier that will make your introduction into this hobby much more enjoyable and rewarding :ok_hand::sunglasses::+1:


I wonder if that’s AKUncle from Alix. If so that store was and still is 100%

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All of the ones I listed except the cyma are metal.

Righto, I asked mainly because from what I looked up, a lot of those that ordered had issues with blasters that are non metal tend to get busted during or after shipping. But then again I was not sure of where they got it from. I’d prefer metal for some level of durability and quality(and ImErSiOn lol)

But I’ll take your word for it on X-Force. I also had looked into AKgelblaster, they had some decent selections. Although I wish they’d stock up on some parts like attachments, and especially the tracer units.

Thank you for the warm welcome. It’s definitely a refreshing change when people just come to help me out. I don’t usually get the best response when I have no choice to ask in a community this scale.

Lastly, I want to know a few things;

  • Where do you guys get your attachments and kits?(like vest, facemasks, helmets etc)
  • Do I find those said kits like the same way with airsoft? Eyepro rating, etc.
  • Any good source for reviews or just demos of people using it? YT, IG, TikTok or what not.

Thank you so much in advance


Probably. There’s another retailer on AliX itself goes by AK Uncle, I seen this from a reddit post.
Interestingly enough he disguises his auctions by extensive photoshop on the product.

Some of the ones I looked up before, came from a store from Alibaba too. Goes by Shantou or something. Sucks that you need to contact them AND buy in bulk.


Sounds good, thank you for the recommendations!

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Equipment wise anything rated for Airsoft will work for gel, over here the bare minimum is eyepro, you’re not gonna loose a (healthy) tooth getting shot in the mouth with a gel, and you’d be lucky to draw blood from a standard blaster, in saying that they still sting like a Mofo at point blank :sweat_smile:

This forum is definitely one of th best for advice, as Doc said there’s a lot of experienced players and we all want this sport to prosper, and if it grows in the states it improves our chances for growth here too.

Welcome to the circus


Thanks for the advice. I’ll definitely keep a lookout then.

Seems like it too. Please keep them coming, if you have a source for us US folks then send them my way! I’m still surveying for decent shops with a healthy variety and stock!

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Oh right, maybe it’s changed I haven’t bought off Alix for a couple years now.

Welcome by the way. It’s no problem you asked a genuine question and although we are Oz many are aware of the good stores a couple like X force did branch out into USA when interest started growing. I think Command Elite Hobbies tried USA but I’m not sure how they went and wouldn’t recommend them anyway as they did such an outstanding job locally :roll_eyes: (sarc).

For your kit what about just using your many local airsoft stores for eyepro, vests, mag pouches etc. Probably why there isn’t much gel specific as it’s the same. Ours come mostly from the gel shops stock them.

(62) Low Guido’s Chop Shop - YouTube does lengthy in depth reviews of many blasters.

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As @Maiphut mentioned above, Low Guido’s YT Channel is awesome for technical content and reviews, and you can also check out the X-Force Tactical Australian site for many simple new Gelblaster out of the box reviews :+1:

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I understood that gel blaster is a bigger thing with the Aussies due to laws and stuff, and I don’t mind it either. If there’s something we all could get down to the closest thing together i’m all for it.

I see, I just wish X Force Inventory in the US was the same as the one you guys have over there. Kinda don’t want to get multiple things from various different places but I guess I have no choice. But thanks for the suggestion, I’ll start looking around locally too!

I’ll check the video as well. Thanks again!


I see the X force USA is light on for accessories. If there is something specific you see on the OZ site try emailing them they might send it over :person_shrugging:

Yea laws, closest thing to airsoft only 2 out of 6 states in Australia they are legal in :roll_eyes:


I am watching a few of his videos. And matter of fact I was looking through XForce’s channel when trying to find their stuff on the market haha. Appreciate it though!

Do they respond to their emails though?

Yikes, I hope things will turn around for you guys soon

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Yeah they do, I’ve emailed Xforce before with success. Try this one [email protected]

I see some good blasters for sale on the x force USA site. Double bell AK’s, JG SLR SA58, and dare I even say it for the ill informed wells haters on here the good wells CQB metal too. Just don’t get a Wells pistol junk, their AR’s are fine. CYMA M4 another good one.

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I’ll be keeping that email close, thank you.

I seen their AKs and its hella sick. Problem is I don’t even see their extra mags for it nor the basic stuffs like speed loaders lol. Same goes for the MP5s and the FAL too which is unfortunate because its what peeked my interest in the first place :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Yeah I see the problem, not showing on the USA store either at all or out of stock. Some I just quickly looked are in stock at their Meadowbrook store in Oz. Ask in an email surely they’ll work something out.


Hm okay then. I’ll do that after work. Thank you so much!