Ruger LCR Review


Im a bit, of a resident evil, fan…

And, as such, got the Ruger LCR, from ihobby…

As a blaster…(firing)…its crappy…

As a replica/model…its pretty good…but a bit overpriced, for what it is…

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first of all…size comparo…

Smaller than a glock 19, titan stubby…very small and compact…

They give you, 6 cartridges, for a 5 shooter blaster…


And, it shoots like crap.
Each shell, is a little spring loaded thingy.

No range, no accuracy.

load the tiny orange blip, into the shell…pull the trigger…

it flops out, around 8m (if angled up)…falling at around, a 1 to 5 ratio…

Don’t bother, firing anything.
Its just a (resident evil2) replica.

In that regards, its quite well made, metal frame and quite sturdy.

Outer tip, is exposed silver metal, but some black rattlecan fixes that.

I like it.
its heavy, solid, and the chamber spins in and out, easily.
If it were cheaper, it would be great…

But, i know what $90 buys you, over in the states…!!


I didn’t know you were a Resident Evil fan, BME… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Very nice looking revolver… I don’t think any manual non-GBB pistols perform worth a damn.

But damned if it doesn’t look cool… and that’s enough. :+1:

Ok , Ruger action time…

I bit the bullet about the grips.
It was finally decided, to cut he bottom half of the metal grips off, to fit the blaster, into the wooden grips.

The blaster metal handle is straight and wide, the wooden grips were designed for the real thing, which is curved and tapered…

The real thing…

Cutting the bottom off the blaster…

It was the only way it would go in.

Drilled, filed, and grunted the buggery out of the wooden grips.
The material was getting quite thin, at the front, as the wooden grips were smaller…

The original grips were an intimate fit, zero movement, and contoured up to the line…

Ewww…the grips must have pistol herpes, with all those blisters…

Squiddy…what have you been doing.?.?!! :rofl: :rofl:

The new grips are never going to contour to the original line…but i’ll shape it closer…Obviously loose as buggery, with little physical retention now…

I’ll grind a bit more of the metal handle away, to see if i can get it in, and fit a bit closer.

Overall, the wooden grips do look very nice…

Its going to have to be glued in.

Big voids at the bottom, where the metal handle used to be…

What i plan, is this…

Fill the empty, hollow, bottom 1/3 with bostic glue gun.
Purely a gap filler, a cheap way to fill the bulk void, and give it some weight.

When it gets up to the top, on the handle, fill the wood / handle interface with araldite. That will provide enough grip, over the area , to hold it into position.
I will need to be careful about fore/aft, and central lateral alignment.

But, should come out okay…!!

Never going to get the full “resident evil look”, withe the half handle, and exposed metal handle finger grips.

It doesn’t have them…

But, this looks good enough…!!

Looks a lot better with the contour matched closer, BME. :+1: good job on that, a little more finessing and you’re there.

You know what, if you follow your plan and get that grip solid on the half frame the average Joe would never really know… they’d just figure it was made that way in the Ruger factory.

And that’s what we strive for, matey… factory finish. :wink:

Still planning on getting another and leaving the stock herpetic grip on? :laughing:

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Now that this one is going to be fixed permanently, I’ll probs grab another, so I have a solid black grip one as well.
They’re pretty cheap, and gbu still have them.

I’ve had my squiddy / VIC vaccination, so they should be safe to handle…:rofl::rofl:

As long as those lumps aren’t contagious…

You’ll end up looking like a mutant! :joy:

That’s the “squiddy squealer”…

It’s the face his boss makes, when he beats more dents INTO the panel, than OUT…!!

Ok, finished assembly…

The plan of bulk filling with glue gun, then araldite on top, turned into glue gun only…

I was reaching a point of nearly filled, and the base was touching hot glue.
Topped it up, and sunk it in…

I was able to grind a bit more off the base, to get the grip to settle as close as possible to the trigger guard.
The line, while short, contours fairly evenly around…


The glue is holding quite well, and very stable.
No rocking.
A few gaps around the sides, and rear.

I tried to dribble some glue down, you need to get it really hot to flow.
Difficult to get it to smooth, it cures so quickly.

Maybe take a tiny file very gently to the glue, to try to flatten it.
Touched up with Posca pen, to colour it black…

Overall, fairly happy.

Claire might be able to pop a few caps into zombies, with the goods like this…
:smiley: :smiley:

Mr X is not impressed…


Maybe dribble some araldite down the gaps. Then it’ll never come off.

its a really, tight gap.
I reckon araldite would struggle to get down.
Really hot, glue gun was a struggle…

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Thin strip of EVA foam or styrene, shove it in the gap with glue, trim to shape with a craft knife, then paint?

Maybe? :man_shrugging:

Either way, looks really good. Me likee! :+1: