Sales and discount codes

That’s right. There’s a ton of kits that convert these into all sorts of weird things.

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wheres the squid version…!!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Just what I want. An exploding @Deadsquid

:rofl: :rofl:

Santa came early :rofl: so funny spat my water out.

Speaking of squids did he drown in Sydney exfiltrating to Bannannaland :person_shrugging:

:rofl: :rofl:

Sorry @DocBob my sarcasm is high at the moment after CFS callouts. Got notice some fkrs near Ballarat broke in the Blackhawk maintenance fellas trailer and flogged their gear. :rage:

Haha that’s funny as… reminds of this

I hope the tac edge thief, left enough of the AAP01’s, for everyone else to buy…

spotted a 2nd hand BF mp7 for sale, apparently minimal use, nothing wrong with it.

not sure what version it is, but they’re asking a more than reasonable asking price. pretty cheap in fact

just wondering how they travel and if it’s worth getting it?

The newer model, is a really high quality shell / replica…200 fps performance( short barrel)

The older model is not bad…cheaper shell / muted details / non functional switches.

If its a 2nd hand new one, id go for it…

Do a search for ‘New BF MP-7’, and see my review from a while back.


think I might grab it. cheers

edit: think it may actually be a v2

I saw that one… good deal. :+1:

The older MP7s aren’t bad, although fire select and actual moving levers and charging handle’s a very good thing on the new ones.

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AusDay sales are starting.

Nothing spectacular so far.