So, Who Wants a B.B.C. ..?...(Or, Fake it, till you make it!)

No… you won’t :joy:


:laughing: :rofl: :v:

I couldn’t help it I had to. Sorry Mum :man_facepalming:

Those bright lights stop squid tentacles, from trying to cuttlefish in…

Be careful… bright lights attract squid :joy:

You’ll be up your armpits in tentacles before you know it.

Today was a good day.

A very good day.

A Very, Very good day…

A few parcels arrived, and viola…BBC for real…!!

Base: My Black RE Wetech gelblaster, Gen 1 moderator and rail, gen 2 grips…!!

First things first, get some clear coat on , to protect the pristine gold emblem…!!

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I ordered 2 pairs of grips, so B.B.C. gets a touch up, as well…!!

These grips, are total Horn…!!

I might order some more, and some extra ‘standard’ grips as well.
Gen 2 Mod and rail ordered, fingers crossed…!!

Also, with all things Barry Burton related…

“The Silver Serpent clone”…

It just needs some new grips…
Here we go again…!!


Kicking goals there @BME :wink:

Those grips do look the shit, gotta say… :heart_eyes:

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Hells yeah, they do…!!

Know i know where to get them from, i’ll bring in a few sets, of “standard”, and “finger-grips”…

Let me know, if you want a pair, and i’ll add to the next order…

I realised i need to get a few cross pins.
There are 3 tiny pins required, for the finger set, to help hold the 2 clamshells together…

Standard dont need them.

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I wonder…
Do they sell parts for the RE Wesker…??
Torch / trigger mounting assembly could be very useful…

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And, to keep the good times rolling, I just got my b709, for…

LDT MP5k, and Luger shell ejector…!
Woot woot…!!

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I’m just waiting to be a tad more financial then I’m B70-nining up for maybe that Spectre. :thinking:

Be cool to answer the question “What’s that?” with a “It’s a Spectre, no less” in a Sean Connery accent. :joy:

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Hopefully, I’ll have my tec-9, and we can suss out if a heart/ lung transplant, can be done…!!

I don’t think a standard Taurus looks very good with a SureFire X300T on it… looks too SKD M90Two. Especially on golden chrome one, might look okay on a black. :man_shrugging:

Just colour invert, and add moderator…

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Yeah it’d look better with a Hitman moderator on it. :+1:

I shouldn’t be thinking about a Spectre… I should be looking into a black m9. :man_shrugging:

It’d look better, with a burton moderator on it…!!
:smiley: :smiley:

The emblem on the grips, were pristine when they arrived.

One good, thick coat of Tamiya Semi-gloss clear, and they’ll last forever…

Thanks to @maiphut and @wombat for the heads up on which gloss to use.

Lessons learnt, on the worn grips, have saved the new ones…

Using this clear coat , didnt visibly remove any decals when applying…


They do look sexaay, nice work.

Did your practice run on the worn grips which is always a good method if not 100% sure for the result you are after and with your new ones you knocked it out the park.

I had to zoom in and stare at them for awhile :rofl: :+1: :+1: :+1:

I figure the grips on the old ones were worn quite thin…a little bit of solvent in the gloss, stripped the thin paint .

New grips/ thick paint…if it removes a little, you can’t even tell…

Having loupes also helps….

Ordered some more ‘standard grips,…

I foresee an overseas parts, spending spiral…! :rofl::unamused:

Just out of curiosity, if you are successful with the uzi cap gun and tec 9 Lazer tag gel conversion, would you be interested in doing a second tec 9 lazer tag gel conversion if I b709’d it, ordered it, covered the price of parts etc and your labour on top? and what would it be worth to you to do the conversion? feel free to flick me an inbox to discuss, cheers

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