So, Who Wants a B.B.C. ..?...(Or, Fake it, till you make it!)

So, who’s after a B.B.C…??

I reckon @Maiphut wants one, but is a bit coy…
@Friendly_Fire is probably interested , as well…
@Deadsquid would want as many as he can get his grotty tentacles on…!!

B.B.C. of course, standing for…


I dont know what you dirty buggers were thinking about…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Today, i received two kits for my Double Bell M92.
One, from GBU (!!!) was the custom kit to fit the DB M92, hitman moderator.
The other was the external hop up, for the SKD Beretta.

The SKD, doesn’t fit standard, and will need drilling.
The Hitman fits perfectly, but the recoil guide was buggered on arrival… :angry: :rage:

One at a time…

SKD Hopup…

Ok, so the SKD doesn’t fit, and will need some drilling.
I dont have a press drill, and im not sure how well the 3d printed material will tolerate being drilled, close to the edges.

Any thoughts?

The hopup is a bit smaller, sizewise, than the genuine article, but it does have a good rearward angle on it.
The rail (for both) would only attach underneath, the genuine one goes up and covers the sides as well. Still, it gives it some extra bulk, and beefs up the standard M92 a bit.

When its drilled out properly, the hopup should meet the upper slide, and leave a small gap on the lower part of the frame.

I’m not sure how you’d attach the hopup properly, grubscrews wouldn’t last long in a GBB. Short of using some temp loctite, maybe attach the hopup to the rail, and drill / screw the hopup on. A bit riskier, theres not much room…

Still, not bad looking, a bit of a compact variant…

Hitman Compensator.

Comparo pic…

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Did somebody say, Beefy…!!!

This DB moderator fits perfectly, longer recoil guide (but the retention pin was broken on arrival), intimate fit.

Sizewise, its around the same size as the gen2 moderator, has vents on top, i just wish it had vents on both sides. It does appear more square-ish, the gen2 has a larger, deeper rail which is angled, to build the angle in.

It also has a gap, between the moderator and the rail.
Attaching the rail, you could probably use temp loctite/ bostik glue gun.
The adhesion doesn’t have to be super strong, the moderator is strongly attached.

Maybe get a small block of wood, sand it to fit in the gap, paint it and then attach.

Anyway, first step is talk to GBU, and get a recoil guide, that works…

Makes the DB a far cry from its original form.
I reckon the grips really make it…someone should import a bunch of them…

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Did somebody call for a Big Black Wood :rofl: It’s on vacation atm :sweat_smile:

Well, winter does bring shrinkage…:smirk:

I hear it does on the east coast :sweat_smile:

SA is always cold, so…:joy::rofl:

Lol 25c and suntan here, which part of SA you in haha the wrong bit by the sounds. No rain since 15th January, perfect for a person that does nothing for a living :rofl:


SA looks to be the typical 6-16 deg, for the most part…

Honestly, blaster wise, all this gives me the shits…


Want to buy a moderator…? Sure.
Want to buy a rail…? Go for it.
Want an extended mag…? All yours.

Can i bring in some custom ones from overseas…??
Gasp / Shock / Horror / etc etc…

When will common sense prevail…??

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Aie can’t even fart as that get’s thrown in quarantine.

Try buying a $700 usd motorbike head that slips over the $1k aud threshhold which you then had to (several years ago) pay customs $230 aud per day while they fkd around and read your documentation with their thumb up their ASS!

Yet boats of who flung dung arrive up top and get flown at our expence to fkn canary island or whatever the fk it is. Navy and Raaf needs live fire training. SINKEX.

Sweep it under the carpet. You see nussing.

I saw an interesting story on the news, recently.

Decades ago, people were leaving Italy / Europe to immigrate to Aust, looking for a better life, with more opportunities…

Now, Italian descent Australians are buying real estate in , and moving back to Italy, as life is less expensive over there…!!

Wait for the day, Aussies have to get on boats, heading up to asia for a better life…!!
Lets see how we’d get treated…!!

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Gives me the shits. Gov has restricted the shit out of firearms to the point right now there is vermin catastrophe Australia wide.

Sold off Aus owned ADI munitions manufacture to French company, now ammo is scarce and through the roof. Oh it’s because of war you say. No it aint, they still make it but because it is foreign owned they now sell it on the global market to the highest bidder. All about the dollar.

But back to my initial point, less sporting shooters are shooting over last few years. In the last 20 years and I do a fair bit of vermin control myself, no body comes any more and numbers are overwhelming. Staggering numbers, I’ve never seen anything like it around here. Smashing fences to pieces which is another full time job I’ve just taken up and expense it seems. And every female has a young one on board. Every single one.

I read an article a week or 2 ago about an interstate farmer having similar issues and called upon the SSAA to come his poperty and help out. Not sure how that’s going but should be pretty good with a media spotlight on it at a guess. Something along the lines the gov can jam their ear tags and number restriction up their ass. When you are looking at numbers in triple digits like I am their 6 tags per year and all the bull shit can go fuck off.

Sick of this woke green fk wits fking this country up. Mc Hammers u can’t touch this. ADF used to do live fire training got stopped by the woke brigade and target practice on feral vermin. Not allowed anymore. Wankers. Might hurt some poofs feelings.

Rant off :fu:

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Worked there when we still had Footscray, Mulwala, Maribyrnong, Bendigo, StMarys and Lithgow.

Every time we came up with a product or initiative that would increase revenue or create a new market, we were shut down by the Government, while Defence actively worked to get rid of Australian manufacture so they could buy overseas .

Probably could have built a new facility for the same cost as all the overseas junkets that the cronies from Russell Offices went on.

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I know, all about the dollar. Sad to see but it’s screwed everything up.

Automotive industry, all went to scrap the 3 biggest aluminium smelters in the southern hemisphere along with 50 odd presses. India bought 1. The rest got scrapped. A whole block at woodville went to scrap. GM America fucked GMHA as GM filed for bankruptcy and cut off all their limbs doing so. All the parts suppliers, tecalement and seat manufacturers you name it went bust overnight. Ford held out longer but their CEO was having trouble too and had to follow suit and shut it down and scrap it.

Sad to be a part of and see what I call these primary industries just disappear off our land. We can do it, we have all the raw materials to make everything from gunpowder to a modern vehicle. Yet we just dig it up and sell it to the highest bidder, usually China for their war machines with a sprinkling of other countries.

Interesting about the Defence part trying to get rid of Australian manufacture to buy overseas. Hasn’t worked too well still using ADI made here 5.56 and 7.62 ammo and all ammo for the most part besides a few niche items that are euro from Nammo for the Carl Gustav. Some US systems like 25mm for the Bushmaster chain gun are still made here but under General Dynamics Land Systems out the back of parents house in SA :laughing: sounds funny but yes a block away I mean lol Lots of American and BAE systems UK companies have set up shop here in Australia to produce what we use here instead of shipping it over, plus gives extra capacity for the parent nation the company originates from.

Hanwha South Korea and Rheinmetall Germany are 2 new ones building production factories on Australian soil that will supply us and some back their way as well from what I read. Sounds good to me.

I worked for Telecom (Telstra) through the 70s back when your phone was made here in a South Melbourne workshop. Everything, including the circuit boards, was locally produced and assembled by hand.

At great expense to the taxpayer that workshop near the art centre was torn down and relocated along with all the machinery and equipment to the old Will’s cigarette factory in Melbourne’s south eastern suburbs in the late 80’s.

It never got off the ground with production. Some departments were closed down prior to the move, I was working in the maintenance department so my tasks were at both facilities tearing down and setting up.

When I resigned I did the usual run around to say goodbye to old mates. The toolroom by then consisted of a single lathe, one toolmaker and an office for the supervisor. I remember wandering around that empty factory and seeing one of my mates standing at a lathe with one machine light glowing in the middle of a bare factory floor.

Everyone was retrenched eventually… you’d get tapped on the shoulder, be given a letter and it’s off to what we called “the departure lounge”, an area management set up in a huge office area with PCs and newspapers where you sat around doing jack shit until your termination date then it was adios.

It was a sad and depressing time. Now we’re just used to not producing anything anymore, and it’s hard to think about the skills we’ve lost.


Sad isn’t it. Around my time straight out of high school early 90’s I applied for heaps of apprenticeships, decided I wanted to be a fitter and turnerintoshit. Applied Holden, Army, Mitsubishi, National Railways, Detroit Diesel and ROH was the only one I got. Went back for a second interview for some.

Glad I didn’t get in National Railways as I would of been 2nd or 3rd year then they closed shop for good. Each place there was 5-600 applicants all applying for 8-12 positions for the year. I thought I’d never get a chance but tried anyway. I was over the moon when I jagged one somehow, couldn’t believe my luck.

Was a good setup, I’d pay for the years Tafe fees which were $600-$1200 for the year up front (bloody hard to find that money on $2/hr 1st year wage) but upon passing that years courses successfully the company I worked for ROH would reimburse your course costs in full at end of year. Was fantastic like putting money in the bank, plus incentive to pass.

It was sad to see when I started there was 800 employess and when I left was 300 and less shifts. I decided to go and do something else instead of dragging on for the inevitable which finally wound up only a few years ago. Now they have moved their other subsidiary John Shearer in to that factory and make farm plows and seeders. I keep asking my old manager friend I keep in contact with for a discount :laughing: wishful thinking.

Interesting re Telstra, did they make that white, square push button phone that Telstra gave out for free en mass. Can’t remember was it the 90’s or 80’s :thinking: to replace everyones old dial phone. I still have that somewhere.

Now I have cancelled my land line as I never use it as mobile reception has gotten better here and it’s $600 per year and keeps going up for nothing. Oh well things change.

You mean this one?

Yeah, made in Oz.

My personal favourite was the S550 Contour phone… had a lot to do with the deveopment of the plastic case tooling for them.

Yes that’s it, the top one. Can you remember when they gave them out to everyone :thinking: when was that. I dunno time just flys faster and faster :laughing: must be having too much fun. They last forever when electronics were built to last.

Cant recall seeing the bottom one.