Sorting your balls by size

In the pursuit of accuracy and reliability, does anyone sort their gels to remove oversize and undersize gels?

At present we don’t but curious to know if it’s worth the effort. Have seen Low Guido’s chop shop home made sorter. Bradley Phillips YT has shown sorting filters.

sieves suck balls

Bit more context mate?

What was wrong with the seives?

Have you used the OP tactical sorter, what do you like about it?

Did it improve accuracy or reliability?

Use a 7.3 sieve and grade all gels. Quality varies wildly between brands and between batches. Using sieve eliminates oversized gels that can cause problems

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Yep …before I started sorting my Gbbr m4 and glock where shoot ok one minute then confetti the next. Being so frustrated with the situation I bought an electric rifle and it was happy days for a day and same thing happened,but I was talking to some of the guy’s from the field i play at and there was mention of the WAT sorter me anda mate invested in one and it’s been happy days ever since…never looked back.
The gbbr’s love 7.21/7.35 and my rifles loves 7.4mm.