Temu gel blasters

so Id bought a bunch of temu gel blasters recently, the ones with the grenade hoppers and the glow tracer hopper attachment for the kids to run around with.

just went to have a look on there again and there is absolutely no gel blasters on there anymore, at all

think it’s safe to say they’ve got in trouble for sending them into Australia without the proper paperwork or something

spewing, there was still a couple of kids ones I wanted to get including pink ones for my daughter…

that sucks

That does suck, spoil sports. Never used Temu myself just support the Australian stores when I can for everything gel blaster related :+1:

funny thing is, some of them hammer just as hard as the m4a1, and then some are pretty piss weak, also noticed shein has stopped selling them and AliExpress has an extremely limited range now, I couldn’t find much at all on there either, just thought less powerful ones for the little kids and the more powerful for the older ones so they could all get into it and enjoy the sport

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Despite every tom dick and Harry that I know getting sucked into TEMU… I’ve taken the smarter move to stay the hell away… despite the amazing products and savings advertised on every single google search for parts and tools… there’s a LOT happening in the background that most people are unaware of :astonished:

There’s hundreds of products that I would SOOOOO love to purchase from TEMU for many of my projects, but nah.

I’m not condemning anyone who buys from TEMU, but they really have to look at the big picture of what that conglomerate is collecting throughout the entire global market and data farming empire.

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Yes always looked a bit dodgey to me, why I stayed away and buy from trusted shops we already have in Australia. Tactical Edge, XForce etc

that’s every app on your phone, some worse than others, yes, but literally EVERY app on your phone collects your personal data, one way or another, some more than others. your phone, tablet, laptop, smartwatch etc is a spy device in itself and someone/something ie AI, is ALWAYS watching your EVERY digital move

That’s 100% true, and have to do a lot of research into disabling as much stuff as possible on modern phones… but that only limits how much data is collected, not stopping it completely :roll_eyes:

I only have a “burner phone”, no laptop, no computers, no smart watches, no tablet, no television, no pay tv/internet services or any other technology whatsoever!

I don’t have Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Reddit or anything on this new phone, no online credit services, no shopping apps, no eBay, TEMU etc, no downloaded music or movie apps like Spotify or anything else… it’s just a mobile phone that I can access the internet and that’s about it.

If there’s any site that collects cookies, as for details and permissions for access etc, I simply close out and keep looking somewhere else for a site that doesn’t require such actions to view the site.

Yes there’s much tracking through services such as Google etc, but these can also be sidestepped through VPN type accounts instead :+1:

So yeah, I’ll definitely have some of my private data being available somewhere, but obviously nowhere near the amount as 99% of the rest of modern western society :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ewww… Temu. Just more rubbish.

It’s hard to ignore the mass flood of advertising and gimmicks trying to suck people into their web, but I simply refuse to hand over all my details to a massive Chinese Data Farming power simply to get a “free” shitty Chinese tool or some crap :roll_eyes:

I’ve learnt from my time with aliexpress and only if I was desperate.

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Yeah I avoid all of those types of “drop shipping” sites and try to deal directly with the company themselves when I’m looking to order parts.

Quite funny that many businesses will direct you to purchase from their eBay site as they sometimes have sales/specials on that is cheaper to purchase from their eBay site than buying direct from their warehouse :thinking:

AliXpress used to be good and get reasonable delivery times but the last year there have been changes there. AKUncle was a great one but no longer on Ali, several others that used to deliver to AU.

Looked the other day they are all gone, nothing at all on AliX. Maybe shipping is a problem don’t know tbh.

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yeah Ali’s a bit hit n miss, I ordered something a few weeks ago and it actually came pretty quick. guess it just depends on what you’re buying and who from on there

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update, Shien is all of a sudden selling gel blasters again… however temu is not currently. wonder if it was just an out of stock issue on Shien and now it’s temu. weird :roll_eyes:

and I get it, better to shop local in general to support the Australian economy, but local vendors dont have half the ones you can get on temu and Shien, and the local ones that do mark the price up absurdly and then have their fake sales that never ends.

I also get they have overheads to cover the costs of running their business, and that’s fair enough and I support that, but it still pays to shop around locally for the best deals as some mark up the items they stock more than others, some considerably more so

However, just to clarify, the majority of the blasters I’ve purchased were from local vendors and the ones I’ve got from temu and shien were for my kids and were ones that aren’t available in Australia/QLD as temu and shien do not sell the realistic appearance gel blasters including green gas and CO2 ones

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