The Old Forum

Were you “BuzzPuppy” on the old forum? :person_shrugging:

I dropped off sometime before the SHTF and the forum wound up, not long after the WA ban.

There would be a lot of members I’m not familiar with…

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I can’t remember you either.

None the less welcome :+1:

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Certainly has been a couple of years now since the GBF disappeared, and I have kept in touch with quite a few of the old crew, and also had a few more get in touch when crossing paths online somewhere via messages………… but still can’t remember everybody’s handles/profiles from the old forum until chatting after some time before the old memory clicks back in :thinking::sunglasses:


I wonder if the some of the old mods, still drop in here to see whats happening…??

Wouldn’t be surprised, especially after a few online comments from the very first few months where @AFX first resurrected this platform and I was innocently trying to let old GBF members know that this site had been reinvented and created for any old GBF members who might have wanted to join back up.

I won’t post screenshots or links to the many replies that I received from the “older ranks” from the GBF community who absolutely slayed me for “poaching” people from their Discord site, which I was immediately sent an invite to join as soon as the GBF was removed……… and yet I was quickly blocked/banned/removed from that Discord simply because I was letting people know that this new Forum had been created by @AFX :thinking:

The pure hatred that I received in many personal messages from old long time “friends” who I had enjoyed interacting with personally for many years on the old GBF forum was honestly shocking as to how quickly they turned on me and made all sorts of nasty comments about many other old GBF members who were involved in being a part of this new community that we have here :flushed:

The claws came out, accusations were made against myself, the moderators here and many other old GBF members we have here as all being a bunch of lying and unregulated clowns who would be the downfall of the legality of this hobby in Australia :rage:

I was only on that Discord for a very short time, but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the whole lot of those horrible people there are checking out this Forum every single day and having a massive circle jerk criticising every single post that we make to give them ammunition to fulfil their boring lives in mocking conversations with each other :roll_eyes:

And yeah……… I just said all of that out loud in a publicly accessible forum, and I’m sure that my comments here will no doubt fuel another 3 months of speculation and rage on their Discord about Bob being an absolute “See you in the Northern Territory” within this hobby, despite my long history of being an honest and stand up person with a very solid business reputation in this hobby/industry.


Such a shame.

Its not like, people can’t be on this forum AND discord, if they wanna be…
Its not like, its purely mutually exclusive…

As always, people act in accordance with their nature.
Create the conflict, and blame others, is a way of life, for some people…

Best to leave it in the past, and move on…


Downfall of the sports legality ? Wasn’t the head honcho of the old forums downfall a closeted Victorian gel blaster enthusiast who tried to pass himself off as a respectable law abiding qlder.

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No…… that’s an insane conspiracy equal to the flat earthers and moon landing deniers ! :roll_eyes:

I don’t have the whole “dirt” on the issues that pushed the original GBF Forum creator to close it down……. but I do know that he shut it down because the “moderators” there outgrew their socks and created the perfect shitshow to the point that he simply said FU to those disrespectful cowboys and shut the whole thing down :worried:

@Maiphut has a very good understanding about where I’m coming from, as I was only still a young pup compared with all of the other long term members there.


It’s nice to see the old politics and egos on the old forum haven’t resurfaced. :+1:

GBF 2.0 is a far healthier environment than it’s predecessor, and considering quite a few people use this hobby as a way to keep the black dog at bay, that’s a very good thing. :sunglasses:


Not the forum provider/owner. Step down a bit, close though.

Could have been Mary Poppins too. In the end you don’t know who to believe.

I said the person who was mostly responsible for the forums demise not the owner could’ve just been poor wording on my part

Evening. Been a long time. Not sure if anyone remembers me. I’m actually not sure if this is the name I used to have. It’s been like 3 or 4 years since I’ve delved into any sort of online forum for blasters after that last mess and partly being harassed into leaving the forums a little before it got shut down. I used to post a fair bit in the old forums before they went down. Bounce ideas between Hamish and docbob a bunch about various things.

How is everyone?

Edit: I’ll see about tying to find some sort of evidence to show who I was. But that might be a fruitless exercise.

Welcome back… think you’ll find it a pretty cool hang out in here. No politics, judgement or aggro. :wink:

Welcome back! Aha I do remember Exatel I’m guessing that’s close, been a while to remember such things so may be way off. Nvm

@DocBob is regular here amongst others. As above kick back and enjoy the place :+1:

Great to see you have found this new Forum and decided to re-introduce yourself!

I’m sure that you’ll be comfy back in the circus with all the usual clowns here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Oh yeah, I remember the name Exatel from the old forum. :+1:

I thought that @Exatel was already back here… maybe this was confusing me @exakel ? :thinking::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nah dawg, I’m the FNG here.

Someone needs to start a " BiG Kev" handle…
“i’m EXAcited…!!” :rofl: :rofl:

I should start a BiteME handle… damn that’s taken :rofl: