The Old Forum

I’m already here :+1:
And when I google my user name i get spear guns :rofl:


I believe ArtyMarty is dealing with prison or legal issues lately, and probably won’t be back. Slingshot, I must admit, I hope doesn’t come back. To call him a wanker who thought himself smarter than everyone who couldn’t understand his drivel would be an understatement. I also believe he was engaging in illegal activity.


It’s like those clickbait facebook posts…
“People with these names are most likely to XXXXX”.

And they are never alphabetised but I still spend 5 minutes searching for my name!!



Wait, was slingshot the pineapple pin guy?

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Yes :laughing:

What about, the Doc J spec…??!

Wasn’t he a yank gangsta wannabe?

Nah he was that numpty with the magic formula for massive fps with pinpoint accuracy. Never had any footage to back it up but just trust him bro, it works.


Got bored not having an account to this.
Feeling to itch to get a full metal 416 - kicking myself for the last 2 weeks when I didn’t get the one from WAT on the cheap.

*edit cheers for the restore :+1:


All good :+1:
Its great to see some more old faces.


speaking of old faces do u sell car insurance?

Hey @DocBob @The_General ,
So glad to see GBF is back! I was absolutely
devastated when it disappeared. If your restoring privileges could you do mine if i had any at all to begin with? I used the same name on the old forum as this one, i don’t really have any evidence so too speak except maybe some intimate knowledge of the forum obtained through hours of reading through the threads like “a certain member had a thing for photos with feet in them”, “no body and i mean no body understood 98% of what slingshot said” “Puppy never got that rolex”… would this suffice as evidence of proof of my being

Edit, i forgot to mention… GBU are :rooster:’s

If I remember correctly wasn’t it squiddy who bought a rolex?

could it have been nunwithagun?

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Nunwithagun was the rolex, slingshot definitely 98% of the time 100% un-understandable


Ah crap your right it was @Nunwithagun… Sorry @ParaFox404 it appears i had a brain fart.

I understood slingshit fine, as being bonkers :+1:

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I’m not a dumbass my rip curl surf watch that I got on sale for $120 looks good and serves me well can go through anything plus supports an Australian original company also got it in Queensland so bonus