The Shit Pit

I suppose, the law would say, is that you then have an escalating arms race.

The crims use, what you have.

I.e. lets say, they legalise use of pepper sprays…“FOR HOME DEFENSE USE ONLY”.

They are then available for purchase.

The crims buy them, arm themselves with it, in anticipation of it being used against them…

You investigate a sound, cop an eyeful of spray, then the dudes with the knives move in…

Using bats in defense, is arming yourself with the level of whats currently available and in use…

I assume that is what the legal argument would be…

Anything, that gives homeowners more rights/ legal protection to defend themselves, is a good thing.

Crims have access regardless of bans in place. The bans are really hurting those wanting to protect themselves and I would think it would at least even the odds.

I see news people saying just hand over everything they want and youll be right you can always get it back with a happy ol smile, but dont consider the ammount of work people put in to get those things only for them to be stolen.

like just hand them the keys to ur car insurance will pay it out blah blah blah

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Not so much these days…

Home invaders are often not happy with just taking your stuff and demanding your car keys.

A lot of recent home invasions have resulted in the occupants getting more than a grease down and a shiatsu… assault snd sometimes even torture seem to be trending.

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Like the Toronto police guy haha. That dude is a joke.

Outside motion activated security lights are cheap.

Inside motion sensors, connected to inside lights, and a noisemaker / flashing blue light outside, wouldn’t be too expensive.
Probably the best way to safeguard, while you sleep.

Might be time to invest, thieves hate noise…barking dogs ( even foot ferrets) can scare them off…

Well I don’t have to say anything because you already did sir. Nicely put too. Guess I better look at the 19 other msg below :rofl:

They will have a very bad fucking day if they try that with my home. They all know it too hence I can leave cars unlocked or in the ignition all that shit they tell you not to do. Fuck with me, look out or you won’t even have time to :rofl:

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Correct and this is the grey area today with legalese, because defendant is on drugs are they of sound mind. Well no, then they plea minda case and get easy street. I am literally watching a certain fuckhead go through this right now. It will be out on remand in 2 weeks with restraining orders and ah. Sick of talking about it tbh

Truth. My Mother whom is older than you keeps her hockey stick by the front door in her abode. F around and find out. Had a few shitters there, “First Nations” people broke in stole all her Jewlery and all me and Dads tools out the shed, then had a big shit on the back lawn.

Choice :+1:

There are a few little and not so little hickory items scattered around my home… easy to reach if the need arises.

Plus high lumen torches on both bedside tables… blinding little buggers. Locks to every bedroom door.

House came with a security system and cameras… security screens on all the windows and doors. Neighbours on both sides same.

It’s a lovely world we live in when you have to turn your home into Fort Knox to feel secure. :roll_eyes:


I know right. Gone are the days of sleeping on your front lawn in the middle of summer :roll_eyes: Grid bars on the windows. Ridiculous.

Good point with modern handheld torches. They do real good. I remember a Policeman telling me when they were issued the 4x D cell Nightforce torch, doubles up as a very handy batton when you need it. That would do the job for sure :rofl:

" The Retina Searer-2000x…just what you need, when you want to cause permanent blindness, and maintain plausible deniability…!!"

WARNING: may blister paint on wall behind, and transpose victims shadow onto the wall.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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But, seriously, i have an earlier model, of one of these.

Great little light hand cannon, you could use it as a spotlight out to 200m+ easily…

You would NOT wanna cop one of these, to the eyes…

Cameras dont seem much of a deterrent today, they all wear hoodies / balaclavas…

Noise and lights are the go, barking dogs deter theives, so internal motion sensors, with a siren and external flashing blue light would get them out of your house quickly and hopefully avoid confrontation…

The theives wouldn’t know if its a back to base alarm, or just a noise maker…

I’d hook mine up to the powered battery circuit, so even if they turned the mains off ( very unlikely), it would still be powered.

Cameras don’t deter, but I get to monitor what’s happening around my house from the comfort of my bed… :laughing:

Then I can just open my bedroom door and let my cattle cross Amstaff out like Smithers unleashing the hounds for Monty Burns. :wink: she doesn’t like strangers on her property.

does it strobe so i can scream how u like that dowg cuuunnnnttttt

Seriously need to stock up on flashbangs.

Dogs and flashbangs definitely don’t mix :joy:

I think that gob full of teeth might give 'em more to think about…

Mine does the same rings the alarm bells when somebody unexpected decides to call in.


I’d go for frags. Do it once and right :rofl:

I’m so proud of my prime minister. Telling Russia to back off. Hope he’s polished up his boomerang skillz. OMG what a joke.

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