Thread adaptor for the PPK

So yes I bought one, more for the FO4(deliverer) more than the Hitler/James Bond links. That said I was hoping to fit a suppressor and do a maybe full fitout, but after asking GBU if they knew anything was advised they didn’t and rather than head over Reddit I joined up here. I used some vernier calipers to get a rough measurement of the internal threads at between 9.3 and 9.5 mm, google was useless as usual, so I ask here in hopes maybe someone has a clue or could point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance.

Hi welcome to start with. I’m a fitter’n turnerintoshit so know my threads and pitches etc.

Internal threads, That’s a wide variance in measurement so got nfi what that could be with that little info.

Maybe someone else has one and can chime in. Cheers yea Reddit is full of wankers.

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Ha thanks, yeah I know it’s a long shot, I’ve seen thread gauges for sale but figure it’s overkill for such a simple thing. Fingers crossed.

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Put up some pics with your vernier measurements. A picture tells a thousand words :+1:

Is it the manual PPK?


Here are some pics, of the threaded barrel…

Seems to be, a pretty tight pitch.
Maybe pull it apart, take the barrel to bunnings, and (gently ) see which size bolt screws in.


Not the standard 11mm thread? :thinking:

Is that vernier measurement the thread ID? Or in this case the OD being an internal thread?

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That’s why I asked, how the hell you’d ID the thread with a vernier when it’s an internal thread… :person_shrugging: not possible.

Measure the OD of the inside thread. Then measure the pitch, then match it up to the charts. Easy. Pitch can be measured with a steel rule if your eyes work for internal thread. It’s not hard.

I’d take a guess at what it is but never fondling one and without any sort of measurements I absolutely will refrain just to save some keyboard warriors from blasting me saying I’m wrong again. :rofl:

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Hey Dallas,

This is what i can tell you.
Its larger than a M4 bolt.

The outer diameter, of the barrel ( using just a tape measure externally), is around 12mm.

The inner diameter , therefore, should be around 11mm.
If you don’t wanna pull it apart, go to bunnings and buy several small packets of bolts, both imperial and metric, around that size.

Keep the receipt.

Try them, you should find the one that fits, bingo now you have your size, off you go.

Hope that helps…

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Like Maiphut said, measuring up the diameter of the bore of the thread and the thread pitch and matching it up on a ISO chart is the best bet. But you’d definitely want the pitch too to make sure.

Just working off the limited measurement info, you could have a stab and say the middle thread on this ISO chart…

Circled size is the tapping drill size, what you would have measured on your PPK. But maybe not… you’d need to get a thread pitch guage in there to make sure.

Then you have to find an adaptor for it… and that’s an odd size for a screw on silencer. :person_shrugging:

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Yes, one of the most used tools in my toolbox is an old set of pitch gauges that my father gave to me that he had back in the 1960’s………after having a clean up in his shed, he was going to throw them out, but I grabbed them straight away! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yea looks like it to me be the drill size, then just figure out the pitch, be either 0.75mm, 1.0mm or 1.25mm and see if it’s left or right hand thread to really fk you up :rofl:

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Oh shit… It might be CCW at that. :laughing:

I’ll stick to my GBB pistols with an industry standard thread thanks.

Then again, maybe it’s the correct thread for a PPK… who the fk knows? Damn those tricky Germans… :wink:


I think if you zoom in on BME’s last pic it looks like regular clockwise to me. Have a look what do you think.

The only PPK that was externally threaded was the rimfire 22 from the Walther factory. Anything else is aftermarket. PPK .380 had nothing at all. Requires barrel replacement aftermarket smithing to get some threading on.

Soooo going with that info this is not factory standard and could be bloody anything. I’m guessing M10 x 1.0mm.

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I’ve taken the slide off but the barrel and block look pinned in, no removing them without some possible damage, not by me anyway lol.

I may just have to eyeball it and buy a few and see.

At least that’d get me closer than where I am now.

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Just take it in to bunnings and watch everyone run… what… just trying to figure the right size out :rofl:

No definitely don’t do that.

It’s fine pitch, right hand. Bunnings or anywhere are pretty good on returns as long as not damaged so just try a few. Or try a nut and bolt shop near you might be able to measure it for you. Maybe :smile:

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Of course, i didnt mean that…

I meant …go to bunnings…get the trial sized bolts…around that size…

Then go home, and try them out…


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I wasn’t talking to you :crazy_face: :kissing_heart:

Another option.

On the manual PPk, remove (via dremel) , the last little bit of the outer slide…

You can then, thread the outer barrel, which is easier to work with…

I know , its not much to work with… but, for a small little mock pistol…it wont need a big suppressor…just a few threads…

Might be an easier solution…
forget the inner threads…

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I’m extremely experienced from many decades of using my Eyecrometres, and like @Maiphut and others have already mentioned, measuring ID’s and other basics that can easily pinpoint such details :+1:

It’s extremely basic to be able to identify thread sizes and pitches due to the fact that pretty much everything is Metric these days and even standard Imperial is pretty easy to work out.

Metric is extremely simple as 90% of pitches/threads are divided into two simple categories……… course or fine…… which also very rarely involves CCW Threads, but again are very easily identifiable just by looking at them, as in your pictures above that are blatantly obvious as being standard CW Threads.

Imperial isn’t any different in the two basic categories of course or fine, CW or CCW……. but also have a horrible history of such things as BSW, WHITWORTH, BSF, NPT, BSPT, UNEF and several other variations of weird and wonderful designs :roll_eyes:

Simply measuring the ID, running the Eyechromoter over the appearance will tell you straight away whether it is metric, imperial, course or fine, taper thread, CW or CCW and is easily identifiable………. but most likely only by people like us old bastards who went through school being taught both metric and imperial, and then spending the next 40 years having to remove/replace/rebuild equipment/vehicles that used these many different types of threads and pitches……… to the point of being able to recognise the exact specifications by simply looking at them! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I will try and get my blind eyes to look back into the pics and information posted above, and could most likely be able to tell you straight away what the actual specs are of the piece at hand!

Maybe check out this site and see if there’s anything available that matches your particular requirements :ok_hand:

1/2” x 28 tpi seems to be the standard for most suppressors, but your measurements seem to be more in line with the 3/8 imperial size :thinking:

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I was thinking it could be 3/8" bsf but then thought na can’t be on a modern toy made in China. :person_shrugging: I really don’t know.