Toughts on a dedicated Wiki / Knowledge Base?

It can be pretty tough for anyone just getting started with blasters, which is why I think we need to maintain a public forum rather than private discord servers that are not indexed and are hard to find.

What does everyone think about having a dedicated wiki for all the common questions & issues people run into? I know the old forum had some great posts with this sort of stuff, but they were not always easy to find.

Screenshot 2022-07-24 at 5.12.59 pm

Some examples off the top of my head:

  • How to grow & store gell balls
  • Battery guide
  • CO2, GBB, AEG, HPA, Greengas - what does it all mean?
  • How to maintain a gas blowback pistol.
  • Top 5 blasters for new players (maybe include a poll?)
    etc, etc

I have found a plugin with most of the functionality, so it’s not hard to set up, but we would need some of the gurus to help out with the content.

  • Good idea, but It will never work!
  • I dont see the point
  • Great idea

0 voters


Great idea. Problem with forums is that the information gets disaggregated over many posts. A wiki would consolidate knowledge around a topic but would have to allow for variations in opinions - e.g AKAs vs Ultra Elites


That should be pretty easy to pull off, if we’ve got dedicated enough writing staff. Just throw in a ‘x vs y’ section so people can get all the arguments and make up their own minds.


Oh I’m absolutely gonna import my retailer list from the Reddit if we end up using a wiki, by the way.

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I thought you abandoned the sport. There werent any posts about blasters from you on reddit recently
Its good to have you back

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I agree. I’ll get started on the backend side of things :+1:

Any volunteers to get a couple of basic entries together? They don’t have to be perfect as they will evolve over time, but we need something to get started.


Writing is my jam, I’ll take a few articles.

I can do:
List of Retailers
Recommended Starting Blasters
Wells (or the GBB section at least)
WE Tech
Double Bell
JG Works


I’ve got nothing to add to the topic but what is the discord channel?

Thanks, @JazzyWard :fire:

I have no idea, but I saw some chatter about a few discord servers on reddit.

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There is a few GSAU, Danger Close ran by TJ26 from GBF.


I’m sure I can help out with batteries/charges and basic electrical stuff on the early models, but have very little experience with the modern FCU’s and MOSFET Systems :confused:

Have plenty of experience with beginners blasters…. but again, cannot give any details on anything released after the WA Bans in July 2021. :cry:


I will help out where I can with information🤔
So sad to know what was lost from the other forum😞