I’m from the uk and I’m looking to purchase a an average one for about £100. How risky is it importing one from china and what are the laws because I’m confused
I’m from the uk and I’m looking to purchase a an average one for about £100. How risky is it importing one from china and what are the laws because I’m confused. Like I’ve been hearing the colour has to be 50/50 so it doesn’t look realistic
Consolidated your posts so they’re all in one spot. Don’t spam up the board
To answer your question, though. I believe they follow the same rules as airsoft guns, over there.
So, WITHOUT A LICENSE your gel blasters must be at least 50% two-tone with a visibly ‘safe’ colour, like dark blue or blaze orange.
Alternately, you can apply for an airsoft license, which is like a TV license. You pay your fee, and get your license, no tests etc. Once you have that license, you can have realistic looking gel blasters.
As for importing, you should send an email to your border force to ask about that. No idea how risky it is, because we’re basically all Australian here.
Sorry about spam I’m new and I just needed answers but thanks for the info
It says to register for a license I have to tick a box that says I’m a registered player to buy a realistic imitation firearms. So how do they expect me to play if I can’t buy one
Would assume that’s like if you were part of a club or something, over here in Qld part of owning a blaster is having a reasonable excuse to have one i.e. being part of a group or playing in matches, purposefully vague as governments usually are…
You need to play a certain amount of games at a field or something. I suppose you’d need to hire/borrow a blaster, or use a 2 tone one. The guys at the fields would know more about details.
None of us regulars are fluent in UK regulations, I’d suggest asking local clubs or players, just go to a club blaster less and ask one day or ask one of your many gel blaster stores. GelSoft UK | Official GelSoft Stockists
Same thing as I did here in WA even though it wasn’t a legal requirement at the time……. I joined the GBAA and a local WAAGBC as a financial member in the pretext of the possibility for legislation dictating that I had to be a registered member of an Association to have a legal reason for owning/using a Gelblaster in the state of WA.
Unfortunately that was never considered when the bans were rushed through Parliament, but I have continued to be a financial member of these two Associations in the hope that we can still raise money to fight the laws and remain a registered member if the laws ever do get changed again.
Hi this post might be my saviour if true, I just purchased a blaster from Australia (image from a TikTok of it below) once it arrived at uk customs it was stopped and all I was given was “RESTRICTED COMMODITY” so they didn’t give me the exact reason, I’ve been in contact with the seller and we’re trying to find another way, from reading you comment about the 50/50 colour could the seller add some type of fake temporary colour that I could take off so it gets past customs? If not what about this airsoft licence where can I get it? We’ve told the shipper that it was a toy gun also but they can’t do nothing it’s up to the customs which we have no information on.