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i gotta say, that kid does look comfortable

Ohhh really doc bob , thanks for letting me know I’ll have to get in contact with wat and try find out if it’s that same with these converded gbb tp9s hopefully they have corrected it wouldn’t mind owning one if there decent.

DB DEagles are out now by the looks for those who were after that model.


PPk lighter, for @exakel

Shaken, not burned…

Also, mini - M92 version…

Now, all you need to do is import grips, rail, moderator, and supp…
And your ready, for a RE barby…!!
:rofl: :rofl:

“Loaded Flame Rounds”…

The ppk looks to be around 85% scale, compared to my KEle…

probably enough to get you sent to NSW jail, on appearance laws…!!

A wrongly shaped stick would get you sent to jail down there…

this is cool…!!

13cm Metal player PlayerPUBG MGL Grenade launcher Gun Weapon Weapon Game peripheral Keychain decoration Home decor - AliExpress 15_gcl_dcR0NMLjE3MzY5MzE0NTEuRUFJYUlRb2JDaE1JdGVUUzJhMzNpZ01WalJhREF4MXpsUllXRUFRWUFpQUJFZ0pfdV9EX0J3RQ…_gcl_auMjAxMzMzNzQwOS4xNzMzNzE1MzQ3*_gaNjEwMjYzMTQzLjE3MzM3MTUzNDg._ga_VED1YSGNC7*MTczODc5OTMwNy40MS4xLjE3Mzg3OTkzNTMuMTQuMC4w


Mini-mini Uzi, anyone…??

you know, just if the ants misbehave…

Add “Excelpet flea and tick spray”… 2 foot blue flames…!!

lol … yeh I got my daughter an RPG-7 for her school bag.

Are there any better glow gels on the market yet?

Howdy ho…haven’t seen you for awhile…!

The only glow gels I have used are the halo ones…

They look like green predator blood, when splattered…

They are pretty soft though, so I don’t think they’d handle high fps units.

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I got the war interest and X-Force glow gels and they’re both pretty squishy with the X-Force only being slightly harder, haven’t tried the Ausgel ones.

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New from AH…

Where do they get them from.?!

Azreals armory are trying to develop their own glow gels. Bit of a blurb on their website about it

$600 for a kit that you have to supply the blaster for, say an additional $300 avg.
That’s a joke…
You could get a B709 and import an AEG one for less than $150, given they’re not fantastic on FPS but could probably be worked on to improve that.

Just had a quick look and saw this

there are a number of files online for kits like these for both Glock and AAP blasters for free and take about $10 in filament. This stuff irks me seeing stuff readily available yet places will charge an exorbitant amount for something that would cost them maybe 10% of what they’re asking for.
I know there are those who model and develop kits and I have no issues with paying them for their time and effort but not all are worth what they’re asking.

Also I just noticed the very poor photoshop work on the image. also there’s very clear layer lines visible so smooth my ass.

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I’ve only used the AusGel glow ones.

they work very well but are also fairly soft. they go great in my jm m4a1 with tracer mag as well as in the cheap Temu blasters with glow hoppers I got for the kids.

havnt tried them in any of my high fps blasters yet as I need to get a tracer unit for them first which I will be getting soon

I’ll be trying a couple of other brand glow gels in the near future as well