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$600 for that Guarder pistol carbine kit’s ridiculous… :angry:

Add to that the cost of the base G17 plus what you need to buy in parts to make it work with a non-TM spec G17.

Don’t know why AH is focussing on flogging TM stuff… First the SOCOM MK23 now this. :man_shrugging:

@BME I’m wondering where they’re coming from too. :roll_eyes:

I used to run ausgel glows in my MP5s at local indoor fields. Being much squishier than other gels they did drop fps from 330 down to about 280, and you do get the odd busted gel out the barrel but it is fun and looks cool.

As for harder glow gels… it might be a bit of a pipe dream at this point. Any pigment softens gels, and glow gels need a decent amount to actually be “glow” gels.

Guessing Azraels are “developing” them along size their own ultra hard has the golf ball texture gels… I am not going to say it can’t be done, because I am not a chemist or engineer of any sort… but… good luck to them. If they pull it off after Ausgel has been trying for years now they will certainly have a niche on glow gels.

While I always applaud them for trying new things I think they are spreading themselves a bit thin at this point. Can’t even make a pointless spring only mag work well enough to release. Which given the variable properties of gel, even if it does work it will only be with a very specific size and hardness of gel, and with a matching t-piece.

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Not sure why you’d want a gel with golf ball texturing.

Sure, it might make your hopup more effective, but that dimpling would mean the gel in flight would be more likely to slice or hook than a normal gel.

If it had any practical benefit I’m pretty sure the airsoft contingent would have been all over it by now. Much easier to produce a hard BB with dimpling than a gel. :man_shrugging:


Price elsewhere…

No conversion required, i assume (pistol only)…

No B709 required, you could import it yourself…

I have used ausgel glows but idk if the ihobby ones are any harder they get munched by gas stuff

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“closing in on airsoft accuracy and distance” … well isn’t that the reason gelball is still partly allowed in Australia. Sheesh. :roll_eyes:

Yeah, I think the two hobbies need to be very distinct and seperate. My two cents worth…

If the lines between gelsoft and airsoft get blurred, I think we’d be putting the hobby at risk. It’s not going to be a case of making the perception of airsoft less objectionable to those who oppose it being legal by aligning it more with gelsoft.

Think you’d find the reverse to be true… gelsoft would be viewed disfavourably because it’s aligned with and identified as being the same as illegal airsoft.

@BME gonna get one of these Double Bell Deagles to add to your big-arse f@ck off pistol collection?:laughing:

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I dunno, wanting to achieve a/soft accuracy and distance is one thing, an entirely different story when a completely different material projectile used.

personally I don’t see what’s wrong with wanting to achieve more accurate shots over further distances

to me there’s a clearly definable difference between hard plastic bbs and gel balls, even with the ultra hard gels. I’ve been shot with bb’s many times back in the days and they sure as fuck do a hell of a lot more damage and sting substantially more than gel balls, in my opinion,

but you know what they say about opinions :smirk::rofl:

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I’ve already got a HJC Deagle, from xforce, some time ago.

I’m not really big, into Deagles…that scratches my itch.
And I have the RE upgrade springer, that’s even bigger and F off…!

This was my exact thoughts when GBB and HPA appeared in the Gelbaster Hobby.

Under the WA Laws at the time, those products put them solely in the same Firearms category as an Air Rifle by definition. :astonished:

As it turns out, they got banned regardless, and the Legal Definitions never even mentioned in their “reasoning”. :roll_eyes:

I can see this still being a possible argument for some arsewipe in QLD to make an attack on the hobby though, so yeah, I agree with everyone else who is trying to keep the two hobbies as separate as possible from each other.

I only say it as that was one of the main arguments for keeping gelball when state govs argued it is too much like airsoft. It went ok in one state but then other states changed their tune to appearance laws that they had in place which fucked those states anyway.

I dunno, I hear there’s plenty of jobs for old people in the ADF I might just join that and shoot big fucking balls for free. :rofl:

anyone know of any gen 8 half size mags? those slr half ones dont fit

These one?

They fit my Gen8 just fine?

ye they don’t fit is big pain n suffer

Short Straight Stanang Mag for M4 Gel Blaster | X-Force Tactical wonder if these guys work i dunt really wanna be buying fuk tons of mags t see what fits

actually i think they will have the same issue i think it might be the plate at the top

That’s odd, they fit perfectly in my gen8.
Is there any mould flashing in the mag well or something?

Which part exactly is stopping it do you know?

Edit: I just noticed mines the straight PMag not the curved PMag like what I posted earlier, my bad.

dunno they just seem the tiniest bit too large no big deal tbh just would have liked to use em

That straight Stanag should work anyway. good idea to take the blaster in store to test fit too.

Can’t remember where I got this one from, thought it was X-force but they don’t range the straight version :thinking:

i tested in store and the slrs didnt fit i saw another straight one but i didnt bother to ask coz they were opening the packages feels bad