this final version contains special BB-bullets with licensed technology, providing a smooth mechanism to fire the bullets".
They’re probably like the ruger LCR, and have a spring loaded cartridge, that launches a 6mm bb all of 5m…!!
this final version contains special BB-bullets with licensed technology, providing a smooth mechanism to fire the bullets".
They’re probably like the ruger LCR, and have a spring loaded cartridge, that launches a 6mm bb all of 5m…!!
All for the low price of $1600USD…
Their normal kits are $1200, so it doesnt surprise me.
i wonder what they use…Im guessing great model / poor airsoft.
Sounds like launching mechanism is contained within the shells, so maybe tiny Green gas shells.?
The translucent grip, would prohibit a co2 cylinder in the handle.
I was joking about the springer, but maybe…??
It is a Phwoar looking, piece of Phwoar though…
I like the 2 tone, of the barrel and upper.
Kinda like i wanna reproduce on the PR…
Anyone for a $60 M-79 …??
Dart blaster.??
You could give it a coat of paint, to cover the white text…
Ah, you know me… I do like the odd ones… late night shopping again, BME?
Shame it doesn’t look more like the airsoft version. China loves to put pic rails on everything.
Looks a little too Buzzbee… even for me.
More like early morning…
4:40 am…awake again…
Taidi had a converted a/soft…long since gone…
Still, for $60…close enough…
And, one more addition to the Resident Evil collection…!!
“Flame rounds loaded”…!
So… you have one on the way?
Looks like a bit more painting comin’ up…
Not yet…
Aw, who am I kidding…
So speaketh the WA warren bunker master …!!
New JM mp5k…with folding stock.
Looks to be a slight shell redesign, as well…
Yep… different shell for sure.
Jin Ming have come a long way from the old Gen 8 days.
I agree, very nice details and quite an improvement from the early versions.
Which I still have 5 or 6 of the old Gen8 versions here in pieces in boxes somewhere
This was the last one I threw together for a photo op August last year is a cool custom version.
Been pulling everything apart so I can use the empty gearbox shells to enable me to build them as replicas to fit triggers/hold assembly pins etc.
Unfortunately I packed them away again when I moved house, and now I have a few RC Crawler trucks on the work bench, the Blaster Replicas haven’t seen the light of day again.
You what. watch this space. Fkn selling sheep like mad
Yea bit like here, and like Rattler said he didn’t care as he flew planes and all sorts RC stuff and very good at it. Just move on to another hobby as much it pains.
My problem is I had to buy 4k acres to accommodate my hobbies and took up bit of flying s well as fk it why not. Crashed heaps why I need a new one. Buggys 40ft jumps off the sand dune oh yeah why not.
1/5th Baja it works for rounding sheep up . So funny
I don’t see the problem really
What gel blaster are to come
Gas blowback wise
I’m not into the battery stuff cnor plastics
Handsgins? Rifles? Do we have a website where we can see upcoming blasters?
Id love to see an M1 grand. And an slr gas blowback
So what do we have coming in that range fellas
I’d like $1000 too
Couple more random additions from LeHui and whoever HanDi is. A QBZ97, a X95 and another MP9
So the to LH look to be low powered kids toys, and the MP9 is a hopper fed like those old SKD pistols