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Bought this for about that price a few years ago! :flushed:


Spent a shitonne more hours with the family enjoying this than any of my old massive collection of blasters! :sunglasses:


GBU now also has the STG-44 and MP40, great :roll_eyes:

One blasts …Super…out the back…
The other… blasts…gels out the front…

Whats the ideal mix, for maximum value…!!! ( include maint, and running costs, for both…!)

Spent a shitonne more on blasters/parts over the last 5 years than I ever spent on this old girl! :flushed:


Let me guess…

" One was an old , cantankerous , gun metal grey pig, who devoured, time, money and demanded many parts…

The other was a lovely car, i took my family on, for many picnics…"

About right.?!

X-Force also getting in on the act after these releases from I-Hobby first.

They must be selling pretty well if all these other retailers are jumping on the bandwagon :thinking:

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Who knows? Maybe that might mean they’ll finally recognise that cool WW2 replica stuff sells like hotcakes, and import some more interesting things. Like Lugers :thinking:


Got it spot on mate!
My “Little Pig” cost a hella lot more to run and maintain!


I have seen a few prototypes of Gel Lugers…. but the reviews are pretty disappointing :confused:

dont shatter the illusion of hope…its what we cling to…

Honestly, as a replica/collecting fan, I’d be okay with some disappointment and finagling out bugs like ‘you gotta grow 7.1mm exactly’. Just as long as the toggle lock works.

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Exactly the same comments I received when I got my ZB26.

Was renowned as a poor performance blaster OOTB, but as a WW2 replica fan, I was over the moon to have a true sized replica of such an important piece of history, I couldn’t give a shit how it performed…… (even though I did tear it apart and got decent FPS out of it!)……it was a stunningly well built quality piece to have in my collection :ok_hand:



"In the red towel, just on the red towel, the ZB sleeps tonight…
In the jungle , the modding jungle, FPS increase, as barrels get airtight…

Blow him away, blow him away, blow him away…"


Thanks BME…
Now thats stuck in my head.


The only blaster that took up the whole Red Towel *TM and required the size of the outdoor table to photograph it on! :flushed::joy:

I think that @BME suffers from high altitude lack of oxygen :flushed::joy:


You got a spare $2.5k? coz that’s what it will cost :rofl:

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Do you know anyone looking to buy a kidney :rofl:

How about a left nut :rofl:

Na then the other one get cold :rofl:

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