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Pretty much same cost as a aeg. Sure why not il get one


Thats a nice looking blaster, definetly a contender. Just got back from holidays and just a heads up to anyone in the logan area, had to pop in to loganholme and had a chat to the pop up gel blaster store, he is getting the same stock as ihobby, coming in next week. Reckon i will buy local rather then online. But that tws does look pretty neat.

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Are those wats actually sold out or are they just sold out as they not selling coz no preorder

From the comments they can run glock mags, so it’d be great to be able to swap mags between pistol & smg


i’d say, sold out as currently not available.

Im sure they will be available soon…

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I wasn’t so much interested in gbbr up until now, but that arp and the price point (and my 13 remaining cans of puff dino) have me paying attention now


I personally, wouldn’t normally be interested in a Gbbr…

unless, its a cool new model, not available in Aeg form…

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Airsoft version holds 30 bbs . Curios as to what this gel version will hold

I’m going to guess 23-24 for optimum mag capacity. Anyone else wanna guess for irrelevant forum glory?

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Low to mid 20’s seems to be the agreed mag capacity for these GBBR’s at this point in time, along with 3 mags per gas refill.

The massive heavy mechanical/physical operation of GBB is a big demand on the amount of gas required to operate.

The mag capacity is for some reason still stuck in the old spring fed Airsoft BB design :roll_eyes:
Surely an electric feed design could be engineered to feed any GBB system currently available?

I would be thinking about a battery fed magazine triggered by a sensor in the non electrical GBB Pistol/Rifle to supply motor feed to the mag lips per shot?

Doesn’t seem like rocket surgery to me :thinking:


Yeah but the appeal is realism and having a battery kinda defeats its purpose…
Maybe having a mag with two channels of gels converging at mag lips? Dunno if it would work.

Around 20 gels is not bad if the mags are cheap. But they are not


I think those who are expecting realism will be quickly disappointed and these expensive devices will become nothing more than to display piece.

Blaster and mags are expensive, mag capacity is limited and accuracy will depend on the quality of the gel and how much gas is left in the mag.

You only have to look at the sales of the SIGs and the Augs to see what happened with nearly zero sales now after the initial rush of enthusiasm

Pity our market is too small to support a properly engineered GBB product for gels


Yeah true. Prettty cool backyard shooter tho. Be cool to pull back a bolt that actually does somthing

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Buyers market, everyone has differing tastes, buy what ever you want that tickles your fancy I say and fug the internet naysayers :+1:


idk why but i still kinda just want one of those aks but idk anymore much pain in deciding

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Oof that price is hefty.


Not too shabby considering all timber and metal gas powered with a realistic operating systems :sunglasses:

Would be good to know how many gels in each shell though :thinking:

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Shells for it will be a thing, hopefully they get heaps more. 2 included just won’t cut it for anything really let alone games.


Vas said he is getting in a few , of full stock / full length barrels, as well…
Majority shorties, though…

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Bringing in many shells, as well….
Psh on the water now, should be landing shortly…