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Definitely the Handyman part that died in the 70’s, everyone’s SOL :rofl:

That’s just the new GBU one isn’t it?

Same product as this

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Seems to be the same thing, yeah. I know which retailer I’d rather support though.

Just pointing out where it comes from.

I had mine break during a game, the fitting is a lot narrower in thickness than the one that comes on a Stormbreaker for example.

They did send me a replacement though.

Photo of the breakage.

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R&D for these was done by the gbu boys so it’s there design and effort; however ihobby fronted the manufacturing and import cost so both worked to make it.

I say ‘R&D’ but the whole system looks and works the exact same as the posideon system, which unfortunatly for them isnt patented.


Spoke to the guys at WAT. M1 Carbine is due mid April


Hope we can get some of these in gel


If they ever release the pig more commonly known as the m60 I’m moving to Queensland don’t care what the price is especially if it’s a lct model

What makes you think that QLD would have you mate?
Your Visa Application might get revoked before you get the chance to pack your bags! :joy:

There all in the pubs after 4 so I’ll just walk in


KWA Lithgow F90 Gas Blowback would be a Golden goose for retailers when it hits the gel blaster market targeting mil-simers.


Far out they state it being over a KG heavier than the real one :rofl:

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Update on this one, they sent it back to me with stainless steel fittings and apparently all adaptors being sold going forward will have stainless instead of nylon fittings.


800 for the double barrel are you fuckin joking, that shit better come with gold engravings and brass plated fucking hell

and ayyyyee they almost, allllmost made the rifle I want, unfortunately I despise that variant, its thinner and it melts my brain, but cool to see some love for the m1

ppsh was bummin around somewhere sure that’ll cost 600+ too

at this point these prices are a fuckin joke, still might go check these out in store whenever they land, maybe getting my hands on it can magically make the price not actual robbery

Though I doubt it =×=


Resisted the temptation for an APS and DB Glock. Can’t wait for April


Unpopular opinion the m1 garand is a shitty looking version of the m14

More like the M14 is an M1 Garand that someone went “yeah nah you know what’ll make this full powered .30-06 rifle even more effective? A fully automatic trigger block, and an extra half kilo of weight hanging off the bottom of it.”

I don’t hate it, don’t get me wrong. But, it’s nowhere near the lovable levels of an M1.


Some of my favourite firearms the garand family. All of them incl the Ruger.


Ppsh, db , and then maybe the striker and lever action st some point two, which is a disgusting amount of money

Hopin I can try and work up a deal to lessen the blow cause even the ones I really really want don’t feel worth it, let alone the extra stuff

especially since I been redoing my whole room and just bought a new phone so I’m gonna feel that hit a lot more then the already sucky blow it might have been.

I can’t tell if should give benefit of the doubt that they arent making that much from the high prices cause whatever excuses, or if it is expensive for them, but they are screwin us over as well cause they know the only people left in the hobby are having midlife crisis’s and will pay the ridiculous prices they put up not cause it’s worth it but because there is practically no alternatives

either way these mfers better sweeten the shit outta that pot cause the stuff I was lookin at tops 3k

that’s worth more then my fucking car

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the mag truly ruins it, at least the ebr had a consistent look to it