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The EBR stock system was just another extra add of weight to help accurize, modern optic mount the Garand action for the Afghanistan effort and get some more range beyond the 5.56. Which they could do in the urgent call with surplus M14’s collecting dust. 5000 were upgraded to EBR with the auto disabled. Mostly.


It’s still prettier :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I was wondering when someone would bring these over -

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No idea what?

Sorry. It’s GBU
Thought I got that in the screenshot

Judging by the thing in the pic i think they’re doing another round of mystery boxes. Which to my recollection were a bit shit.

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Maybe they actually gonna release something that is not held together with lacky bands and electrical tape :thinking::joy:

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And to think that I had to build my own🙄


oooh tempting, wonder if we’ll get them here?

I can’t help myself with anything chambered in 9 :sweat_smile:


From CEH

We are excited to announce that our supplier and good friends Army Armament have begun work on the final version of their Gel Ball Models. This means that once these models arrive, they will come with a standard 1-year manufacturer warranty. These models will come with upgraded steel parts from the factory and will be standard across the board for almost every model from Army Armament. Licensed by TTI


You called it right, gbu mystery boxes.

The bestest way to get rid of all the stuff even fanboys and naive beginners won’t touch


Good way to blow 3 grand🤣

Flashbacks to old mate over here in Perth with his expensive mystery box issue :roll_eyes:


Assbags sent me a marketing SMS even though ive unsubbed twice before. Poor corporate citizen.

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I think tiadi have that aswell if your doing an Aussie nam kit and not trying to cop Danny’s wrath

Looks like a company in the malaysian gelball market has ripped off the apache, Brent doesnt seem too thrilled about it…


unfortunately that’s the reality of building designing and patents… its a matter of time one can explore legal avenues but, no guarantees for success on that front .

Tsk Tsk LDT :angry:

Oh the irony. Was only so long ago that LDT was getting pissy at people for copying their LDX boxes.