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$95 for a gen 8 is cheap
It’s not the full spec one
And it is tac toys
All the old stuff with a few mods still holds its own.

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So in boredness i looked closer, they have the brand new V10, Surely thats better then the now outdated V8 :man_facepalming:

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2 more cylinders it must go faster :laughing:

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It’s not red thou

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Americans are only just getting on the band wagon so they gotta start from the beginning and catch up.

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I know… it just blows my mind when I see the reviews over there raving about HEe Punisher M4s and SCAR V2s :laughing:

For a country toting such an advanced military and such they’re so far behind in a lot of other things. :sweat_smile:

I also noticed this as an example of confusing new customers into the hobby as misleading advertising to take advantage of the newly improved Gen8 blasters :roll_eyes:

Unless these new customers have any critical researching skills, they will be easily sucked into believing that they are purchasing a brand new improved 2023 Gen8 for a stupidly misconstrued price compared with other retailers who are advertising the “same” product more expensively.

This is a well thought out and underhanded scheme by all of those bastards at TaccyToys to try and cash in on unsuspecting customers……… who have been conned into thinking that they are buying the latest and greatest Gen8 for a very cheap price, but in reality, they are only going to receive shitty TaccyToys 2016 leftover “V8 Full Nylon” old stock.

The dishonesty and pure intentional agenda to make money out of inexperienced new customers is yet another huge big red flag as to why these arseholes shouldn’t be in business. :rage:

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Yeah I’ve noticed TT often misrepresent their products in their online reviews. They’re always doing it. :rage:

I saw their later review of the old JM SCAR V2s on Youtube… spruked them up as “full nylon build”… I corrected them in the comments, mentioned misleading buyers about products was unethical.

That probably went down like a lead zeppelin. :laughing:

I hear they were a good band tho.

If thats the video from 2 years ago that i found, im surprised its still there if its you 5 months ago mentioning the ‘premium nylon’ i would have expected they would hide or delete the comment.

That would be Led Zeppelin… :laughing:

And if you’ve only “heard” that they were a good band… hit 'em up on Spotify and edumicate yourself, my son! :wink: :+1:

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I wasn’t being serious, I know Led Zeppelin

Yeah, that’s the one… from two years ago, but still up on Youtube.

To quote :

"The SCAR V2 is constructed entirely from nylon, inside and out. The receiver is a premium feeling nylon, the gearbox is nylon and the gears are nylon too.

Bullshit… they left my comment up though…

But the best comment by far…

Yea yours is the one i mentioned, got the thumbs up from me on it.

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Small world, ain’t it? :wink:

I feel sorry for the noobs who’d buy on the strength of a review like that then wonder why all the body screws are stripping out on their “premium nylon” SCARS. :laughing:

TT aren’t the only ones though…

I saw in a review by another well known Southport retailer, refered to the receiver shells on the GelFight VZ61 Skorpion SMGs as being made of “hardened nylon”. :thinking: In the review they were described as full auto only when they do have select fire. :person_shrugging:

Must be the something about Southport… maybe the sea breeze down that way… :rofl:

Must be a southerner thing.

Has anyone had any hands on experiece with these MK23 NBB gas pistols?

So far there’s only one retailer selling what I assume are converted TM MK23 a/soft pistols. I know the a/soft versions are pretty highly regarded, and Tokyo Marui don’t produce shite. That said, $650 for an ABS gas pistol does seem a lot, no matter who makes it. :person_shrugging:

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