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Oh, yeah, that’s been on their site for a while and actual preorders started a couple of weeks ago, we were trying to figure out how it functions as a shotgun cause by the description it’s just an average AEG that looks like a shotgun.

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Spotted this image on our old friends Zhenduo for the AA12 that’s (now) coming next year

Looks like it’s kinda similar to how a blowback would work on say an RX AK having a linkage arm catching on the piston and pulling a weight back, but instead of a weight it’s the mechanism that cycles the chamber.

If this is an accurate depiction it does look to be reasonably upgradable so that’s a plus.

They also reckon it’s 190fps with gels.


So looking like it’s a connection to the bevel gear working the blowback, not a slot/tang on the piston to operate :thinking:

I wouldn’t think that that’s very efficient taking the power from the bevel gear to operate rather than after the whole gear reduction ratio to operate off of the piston…… but having that weird upside down gearbox I guess it makes sense in a design limitation.

Don’t know how they are going to compete for sales in a market where every single new Tom, Dick and Harry are all wanting 300+ FPS blasters for some reason :flushed:

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Spoke to WAT…

M60’s / m249’s are due to land in brissy on the 24th…
Obviously, they wont be processed / released till Jan…

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are we going to see sum nerds bein rambo with them

It’ll be hard to see, through all of Squiddys ink splashes…!! :rofl:

It’ll be more of the nam reenactors with the price tag on em

Better have some South Australia level security on the m60 or it might get pinched

Someone needs to import lct grips the m60e4 grip is disgusting for a nam model

Don’t worry, my place has alarms, baseball bats, sharp sticks and foul language …

Also I’ve upgraded the toilet security, so no despicable southern squids can invade through the sewage pipes…!, :rofl::rofl:

When WAT does a 2 for 1 Xmas sale…!!

This guy gets pretty stupid at 1:20…

they could ricochet back of rock…and also travel for miles in a straight line …

But, …Murica…!!

I know it’s not a popular choice of vendor but has anyone had a play with the V5 BF MP7. Looks like it has select fire rather than just full auto and mag prime has moved to the charging handle. Wonder what gearbox it has to be select fire

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No idea myself, but wouldn’t expect much for that price, especially taking into account that TaccyToys are advertising it for at least $50 above any other retailers who are selling them!

Hate to admit it but sometimes TT’s prices are hard to beat, especially if you’re after the older blasters.

As an example, TaccyToys have got JM ACRs listed for $148 with an additional 20% off… makes it around $108 with free delivery. :person_shrugging: A SAW M249 V4 is about the same.

Compare that to $189 plus shipping at iHobby, $179 plus shipping at Azreal’s, and… wait for it… $250 plus shipping at Oz Blasters.

Their woeful reputation aside, I couldn’t justify NOT going with the cheaper option… same blaster’s going to be in the box after all… and, let’s face it, these days they’re no worse than Renegade, GBU or plenty of other vendors.


Who has them at that price? Only other BF MP7’s I can find are V2 and V3 that are above TT’s listed price, before you take the 20% off

Guess i need to take a run down to Archerfield and have a look to see if the V5 is any different

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Yeah it’s okay for those of us who don’t really care if the product breaks straight out of the box and have the knowledge to easily fix them, but they still have a shitty reputation for customer support/warranty for those poor unfortunate people who are having issues and new to the hobby :frowning:

Can certainly agree that those prices are pretty hard to beat, it just comes down to individual morals of giving money to a company that doesn’t have the best interests of their customers at heart :thinking:

I wouldn’t begrudge anyone taking advantage of those prices, especially knowing that TaccyToys would only be getting pocket change in profits from drastically reduced products.

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As a fella who is after a project for the holiday, taccy toys have some great priced blasters. I have a spare MK H92 box that would give me heaps to do if I buy an ACR/R for $108. They are a decent blaster too. And I have a shell spare, and they take JM J11/12 ak mags too which I have heaps of… think I found my project!

The v5 mp7 actually looks like a good buy too. I have a v3 one that goes ok, runs 11v, green oring and a spring that gets 285fps, and a ported cylinder. great cqb blaster but has always been missing semi. Though I am putting both the mp7 v5 and p90 v4 in the same category from bin feng, keen to try for the price, also have a suspicion that a cheap mosfet circuit is involved in the semi auto so time will tell how that goes. Still hard to not be worth trying for the price.

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I can’t believe I am admitting to this but.
I bought my first blaster from tactoys.
I had only discovered about blasters and it was the closest shop I could go to see one in person.
So I bought three blasters from them
Which started me on this
Financial road to ruin .
I mentioned this to a friend a couple of days ago as an addiction

He gave me some sound advice


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I admit the exact same thing, when I was first introduced to gelblasters way back in 2015-2016…… the very first Gelblaster I bought was a Gen8 M4 CQB from TaccyToys!

Way back then, it was a very good price and it actually worked straight out of the box :+1:

It took a lot of help from mates that were already experienced with Gelblasters to guide me in the right direction, even though I had already spent quite a few years playing Paintball, Gelblasters were on a completely different of track as a hobby.

I was lucky enough to find the old GBF forum to join and expand my knowledge from all of the awesome community members who shared their knowledge and experience with these “Toys”. :ok_hand:

That was honestly the one and only purchase that I ever made with TaccyToys, as I progressed through the hobby and delved deeper into the industry, I learnt to weed out the bad suppliers and build good relationships with many other Australian/overseas companies that supported me and helped to build my business in the industry of creating custom builds for my customers :sunglasses:

Again, if anyone buys a basic blaster at a highly discounted price from TaccyToys, there’s nothing wrong with that.

I still just don’t have the moral standards of making TaccyToys one of my main suppliers of products and aftermarket parts/accessories.

I’m a couple of years out of the industry now, but still have US/UK/Asian companies contacting me wanting to send me all sorts of free stuff, but unfortunately I have to notify them that I can no longer accept such things from them because of the WA bans :frowning:

ACR Bushmaster DMR replica with all of the correct replica parts that’s also fitted with the MK Hybrid 92 alloy gearbox. :ok_hand:

Only can share a couple of old pics that I have on this phone, because all of the old build pics are a few years old now and trapped in an old IPhone that no longer works anymore :cry: