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350-380 FPS with .20g BB’s through a pretty long blaster at over a metre long, I wonder how this will translate to Gels :thinking:

It seems there’s varying FPS claims being made and will be interesting if they are just quoting Airsoft performance figures.

Remember my fave ZB 26 with the pole vault length barrel took a bit of work to get some decent FPS out of such a long barrel volume, I’m sure the difference between Airsoft and Gels will knock those numbers down a bit…… but will wait and see who’s able to get a second mortgage to afford one of these models I guess :joy:

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it must have been fate… my power bill (refund) arrived yesterday…
With the solar / battery setup, the refund amount is back up to 1k…

M-60 paid for, by the sun…!! :smiley: :smiley:

Hey…… that’s my sunlight you are talking about too!
Does that now make me a part owner seeing as though I spend every day out in the sun :thinking::joy:

Sure thing…
It’ll be ready and waiting, when you move to qld…!!

We know how bright that WA sun is…:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Squiddy has no rights though, as vic sun, is such piss poor quality…!!


I think todays sunlight would’ve payed for a m60 and one of those juicy E&C m16a1Vn models

The funny thing is, even with the battery out of action for a month, being swapped over, I only drew 165 kWh from the grid…

And exported 5582…

At .12c per kWh, that’s $670 refund…
Minus supply charges, net result of $500 addition to refund…

Admittedly, it cost a lot to upgrade the battery, but it’s nice getting refunds.
And, LG also provides financial compensation, for when the old battery was offline…

Bme just bought those for you when you arrive in his freshly renovated house with no power bill and rent free! :pinched_fingers:

For me , the $180 UDL dart version, is good enough.

The GE does have a larger lever handle, which would make it easier to do the spinny-flip reload.

Gas shells are notoriously unreliable…

The dart version , is good enough for me…and way cheaper .

I should post a review, on that…

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A review would be much appreciated by everyone here I would think! :ok_hand:

Im interested in how it would work, but to get feedback from a military on a toy, as someone pointed out in the comments, is kinda giving Karen’s the idea these can be used as a firearm, doesn’t matter if they say they can’t handle the pressures, they’ve even eluded to looking at making higher pressure units given the chance


Hopefully it’s not going to be like gbb fucking over Sa

ADF already use the KWA airsoft F90 GBBR for training

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Wondering if it’s an Electric Solenoid powered piston system inside that snazzy looking unit :thinking:

I had the idea of experimenting with a Solenoid Powered Piston, but they weren’t the same Automotive Solenoids that I had laying around the workshop, which would be too weak, but a magnetic rail type can certainly pack a punch in the blink of an eye with plenty of energy behind it!

I was kinda thinking something similar, like some form of electro magnetic piston that’s activated when you pull the trigger.

Judging by the render thou that things only slightly bigger than a cylinder head so to me there’s not going to be much volume being pushed.

Them saying there would be a magnetic lock involved for changing batteries tells me that it is some form of electro magnet involved.

But I’m no expert on the electricity stuff.

m249s are up for pre order Search results: 8 results for “m249* AND product_type:*” – WAT INT

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Wonder why the M249/MK46’s are like $500 cheaper than the others, a lot more reasonably priced tho still up there.

The MK46 is the best of the bunch…
Still, full price…

I wonder what the others cost, in a/soft world….?

More than the M60…go figure….

Maybe they need less work to convert…?
Or maybe Johnny got a sale price on them…?

If the M60’s were that price, I’m sure they’d sell more…

oh yeah this one: Pre-order TTI JW4 DRACARYS GEN-12 SHOTGUN GEL BLASTER AEG - iHobby Online

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