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You set yourself up there squiddy…

“ So, you enjoy clamping your balls in a vice.!?!! “

It’s nothing to do with empty space or anything, check out the electronics, the details of the receiver, the quick spring change function, the larger “space” available for larger batteries, the updated and improved mag feed system, MOSFET etc etc……… basically just compare this latest version against the original P90 and there’s plenty of upgraded features that shit all over the old model :+1:

That cable “management” is simply a pic of tearing apart this blaster.

If you want to see some seriously intense “cable management”, tear apart a 2016 SKD/STD HK416/M4SS! :flushed::joy:

I wish I could tear apart one of those old blasters so I could see the true horrors but if I did vicpol would probably tear me apart and manage my cables

There’s nothing wrong with having a little extra stability when your getting a rip start in the Thailand night club

The problem is, if the rip start is from a Thai ladyboy…

Gotta watch out for them squiddy…!!

Then you’ll need ice, not a vice…!!

Three comments later and the subject has already changed from the original topic .
To sex with ladyboys.
Got to be a new record

Just got this email sent through.
Guessing the high price tag is getting some retailers quite nervous? :thinking:

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A new range of KELe pistols at xforce…

HK USP, Kimber compact and vp9…

I quite like these, they are cheaper affordable options for those who want a particular model, But don’t wanna drop a bomb of gas pistols…
They reckon the performance is 140 fps ish, so should perform better than the peacemaker revolvers…


An all black (no, not footie related) Aliens Pulse Rifle….


Hadnt seen this yet, not sure how new.

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They have the new John Wick shotgun on pre-order… that thing looks like a beast to use.

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Which one? The Dracones or something? Their new website is rubbish on mobile ATM.

WAT LMGS preorders are up…
$1580 each.
Don’t know how to feel about this.

Squiddy just inked, squirted and blurted, and is packing his bags for QLD…!!

Ive ordered the classic M60…not gonna lie, the MK 46 looks pretty good too…!

The photos on the website, aren’t really very clear…

These ones provide sharper details / better contrast…

Yeah, $1580 is expensive, but, as i said previously,

$479 US, is about $730 AUD.

Add in cost of modifications, shipping, import duties etc, the price is not unreasonable…

I YOLO and got the MK46.
Got to pick it up way after New Years though.

Man I would jump on that PKM of I had the cash :drooling_face::smiling_face_with_tear:

The rent i’m gonna charge squiddy, will see the M60 paid off, real quick…!! :rofl: :rofl:

If your keen, I’d get in quick…

This could be the SPAS situation again…

Johnny said he was only bringing in 30 of the M-60’s….

I think they’ll sell out quickly, even at this price point.
Plenty of keen milsimmers around…

Let’s just say the cheetah print is now full black

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