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The pimply faced squeaky one didn’t do well at his next supplier either!

He managed to add his own type of Taccy to their business and attitudes as well unfortunately :roll_eyes:

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Yea no doubt, I stopped giving a fuck what that weasel did. He was a true blue cunt. Dozens of whoever buying a blaster always dramas. Never once did he pause for a minute to help one customer out. He didn’t give a fuck. That’s why I always recommended return refund go Tac edge, xforce etc. The way he treated customers and spoke to people, I’ve seen it because I tried to help some when they rolled up on GBF with this is broken no answer help. Finally got that lil shithead to start refunding some but didn’t last for long as he fucked of to GBU. Hope he’s picked up some disease from monkeys in Indonesia :fu:

Very eloquently said :+1:

Certainly appeared to be a very egotistical and narcissistic individual judging by his actions wherever he went.

Liked to live the “Instagram Influencer” lifestyle too from what I’ve seen others post and share about him……. the whole portfolio of pictures of expensive clothes, exotic cars, mansion partying posing etc etc, it’s all about the money and image by the looks of it.

Don’t know how GBU is feeling about their reputation after he got involved with the business, and even though he might have left, their online website is still full of Taccy gambling advertising and has the famous “Sale Countdown Clock” still ticking away endlessly at their customers :roll_eyes:

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You can paint lipstick on a cow. But it’s still a cow :rofl: Weasel

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GBU had a positive reputation to begin with? News to me.

Yeah my bad :disappointed:

The Corey aftermath was so shocking I completely forgot how bad they were before he even joined the ranks! :flushed::joy:

Correct and that was my experience with GBU, they were great. Bought stuff from them pre pimple face.

Yeah, I was hearing good things about GBU pre-Corey.

Changed pretty quickly after his influence.

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Spoke to WAT…

M-60’s etc landed…
Aiming for a launch, this saturday…!!

That gives @Deadsquid , a few days to slink across the border, hide in the bushes, blast ink in someone’s face, then do a runner with their M-60…

I’ll be wearing sunnies…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Actually, i might need a era appropriate gas mask, for full protection…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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I know a guy that can hook you up @Deadsquid

If he needs it then I can hook him up, he gives me the m60 and he gets the mask fair deal

From WAT


those 7.62s seem seated a bit deep :slight_smile:

Saves on grains :ok_hand::joy:

20 Characters

Must be varmint loads :+1:

A mask for a m-60…
What a fair deal…!!

And, in that spirit of fairness, i’ve got a lovely bridge in sydney harbour , to sell you…!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That’s it I’m cutting your water supply with gel aid and telling Johnny from Wat to not sell you any E&C m16a1’s

Ive got squid proof devices, all through the house,
And Johnny is giving me a 2 for 1 LMG’s, for being a good customer…!! :rofl: :rofl:

His words were " Squid, who…??" :rofl: :rofl:

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Dam Johnny and his lmg’s I could just give you some CEH and GBU gift cards so Johnny will see you as a traitor

I would never accept those tarnished cards…
The fact that you have some, speaks volumes…!! :rofl: :rofl: