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might have to, he spends all his money on beer and star trek bullshit :joy: no offence to any trekkies lol I just mean he wants he wants he wants but then he literally pisses all his money away lol

Pissing money away on booze isn’t a stellar move, but blowing dough on something he loves like Star Trek isn’t a bad thing at all :+1:


yeah that’s true, each to their own, same could be said about pissing money away on gel blasters as another example… but how’s that song go?

if it makes you happy, it can’t be that bad

star trek isn’t my cup of tea, just a tad annoying hearing him repeat that he wants the Sten gun but won’t put the money aside for it, I would assume they’ll only get a few in to test the waters, seeing how well it sells and if it doesn’t sell too well they’re unlikely to import more and if he doesn’t have the money set aside, he may end up missing the boat and end up going without, and then I’ve gotta hear about it all over again and probably more so because he missed out lol

Say to him…

1: They ARE coming.

2: If you want one, start putting money aside. This means cutting back on drinking for awhile. If he cant be trusted with holding onto his savings, have him give it to you to hang on to.

3: If you don’t do the above, don’t complain to me when you don’t have one.

This also opens the topic, of problem drinking, if he has serious issues with alcohol…


I have the opposite problem…

I can’t afford to replace empty spirit bottles in my bar because I spend all of my money on gel blasters. :wink:

So if you come to my place for a drink, hope you like lemonade… :thinking:

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I’m with you on that one, spending too much on gel blasters, I’m a sucker for a bargain so I’ve been getting a new one every week just about lol

it would seem gel blasters are a thousand times more contagious than covid, at least for me :grimacing::joy:


I wouldn’t possibly know anything your talking about…

‘Cough cough cough, Ahem…’

Fuck sounds like my Dad. I feel your pain :rofl:

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I’ll come with my own Lemonade. Actually I think you fkers make it and SA imports it. Call in the factory on my way :laughing:

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Aaaaahahaaaahahaaaaah! :rofl: :rofl:

I think we all know you’re tellin’ Furphies there, BME. :rofl: :rofl:

My sparse and sensible collection,
Speaks volumes of my restraint and spending discipline….

Hold on a god damn min, you mean I can’t fly planes, I just burnt my left overs. PFC’s for the peopeles :v:

What did you buy today :rofl: :+1: One more won’t hurt :laughing:

Never mind your Furphies, I know you are talking straight bullshit now :rofl: :laughing: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: I would too if I could :wink:

after we get the Sten mkii in Australia, what do you reckon the chances are of getting a tec 9 after that?

I know a few people on this forum are after one

appears to be a couple options out there to be converted for gels…

I mean shit, I’d even settle for one of these but can’t even get these hopper fed ones sent to Australia ATM, at least not without the permit

ps I’m probably going to get in trouble for spamming about tec 9’s lol

Thanks for your interest. Definitely an interesting piece, however as a small shop, we don’t have much option to get the gel version from the manufacturer for rare options. Having said that, we are on the way to learn and mod them to shoot gels.


that’s no worries mate, something for down the road perhaps once you have got the modding technique down pat and perfected, after that I would suppose all bets are off and we’ll start to see all kinds of weird and wonderful new blasters that we don’t see here yet :grin:


Just been tyre-kicking some of the new Steyr’s at x-Force. Only had a couple out as most
visitors are chasing the sci-fi pulse thingy. They look and feel like the real thing =- even the gas piston. Controls are correct with a two stage trigger. One of the variants, based on the commercial model, had an interesting all metal handguard and there was a silenced version with longest suppressor I’ve seen

They are probably a bit too heavy to cart around the field but will be great for the collector.

No prices yet but I think the last kidney and the unused gonad might have to be sacrificed.

This one? :laughing:

That’s a long friggin’ suppressor! :joy: :joy:

Gotta say, the A1 DOES looks the shit though…