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That KELe does look good…

Sold out I noticed… :thinking:

Did you see the size of the compensator on the Trigger Toys Beretta??


that looks like some robocop shit… I like it

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Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. Taurus is one of the three earth signs , alongside Capricorn and Virgo.

As long as there is no Uranus I’m in! :+1: :rofl: :laughing: :wink:

Did you notice the 93R on Trigger Toys. Got me thinking John Woo directing, John Travolta and a great movie with another favourite of mine Ruger. 20 bucks. That is the only hint you get :rofl: :+1:

Got a link for that one.?

I cant find it, on their website…

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couldn’t find a suitable electric

only a springer, cheapest place I can find it in stock, could probably dress it up

not 93r compensator kit but possibly compatible maybe ?

Broken arrow, gotta be

Yep, I did. Manual.

For me it’s mostly form over function… I’d have no problem making up a pimped out M9 using a KELe or an an EBB as the base platform, providing the build quality was there. :+1:

It’s all about the tightarsedness for me at the mo… budget budget budget all the way. Just smashed with outlays recently. :laughing:


Whereabouts on triggertoy, are they selling the rococop kit??

I couldn’t find it anywhere…

Here ya go @BME

Scroll through the images, you’ll find it. Not sure if it’s available as a stand alone kit though. :man_shrugging:

Ah…got it.
Image buried deep.

I couldn’t see the kit for sale.
Might try the English site…b709s not reqd…

Oh yea tell me about it as I crunch the numbers and spend spend spend just to get a job done. I might be a Gypsy like the good Doc fairly soon. Put it down as a future career anyway :laughing: :+1:

EDIT: removed brain fart comment :exploding_head::dash:

The link for the robocop kit, is the link you posted.!
Its an english (England) website.

For importing accessories into OZ, the police will NOT give you a b709.
look here, under b709’s for gel parts.


The deal is, no B709 required, and the ultimate authority, to allow an import, or bin it, rests with ABF.

That depends on who you get on the day, nothing is gauranteed.
Something innocuos, such as a grip or stock, may get through, it may not.
Depends on the person, on the day…

So, when ordering parts from overseas, no B709 reqd, but ABF has final say, on the day.


omg :roll_eyes: my bad. I thought you were referring to triggertoys and a UK version of triggertoys . my apologies, my head really isn’t screwed on properly ATM, I need a vacation, overworked, stressed from real estate drama, and so much more I won’t go into detail. sorry about that.

I’m aware of the risks of importing without a b709 however I appreciate the additional information, didn’t think they would be as uptight with the parts for gel blaster toys but thank you for further clarification.



All good.
I’m gonna place a auto9 kit order now…
Fingers crossed.!

For customs, ask the sender to declare it as …
“Toy gel blaster parts.”.

That is truthful, and emphasises the “toy” part.


M416 (uk site) has this JM mp5k…

It looks to be an upgrade, of the ‘shell only’ version, sold some time ago.
probably not as good as the LDT Mp5k…

Price is right, though…

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a man in a pool with the words welcome to the party pal


What’s not to love about “Die Hard”?

Hans Gruber’s H&K P7M13

Karl’s AUG

Marco’s MP5

Al Powell’s S&W Model 15

Karl’s Walther PPK

Special agent Johnson’s Steyr SSG

Guns like Pokémon… gotta catch 'em all.


once I’m settled into my new place I might try n get the metal gears, hop up and thread adaptor for my BF Mac 10 v2 from that english m4a1 website as well, haven’t seen them available anywhere else at least local so far

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