Wanted - ACR/R T-pieces

Looking for a couple of t-pieces to suit JM ACR/R so I can have some different barrels already made up. There doesn’t appear to be any about at the usual parts places. They are different to the Gen 8 mag ACR

Do you have a picture for example?

They are different, my local m4a1 had heaps last time I was there. Get a spare as they are prone to breaking.

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ZD have them. Might have to get a couple shipped over if M4a1 Ipswich doesn’t have any.

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That is M4 mag ACR not AK mag ACR/R or ACR V2

eBay sites that had them are out of stock

My bad… 20 characters

Yeah…… can honestly say that I definitely won’t have any of those sitting in a box somewhere unfortunately!

Good luck with your search though, surely would be available somewhere still being a JM part :thinking:

We have a couple of the R type new in the bulk lot I’ve been building, still have about 15 boxes of bits to go through so I’ll keep an eye out for you👍

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Looks like M4a1 Ipswich has a couple, so I’ll wander out there tomorrow