Wells M4 gearbox limitations

Is there a way i could purchase 2 as well please. I’m starting to abuse mine quite regularly now lol

You are far from being a stupid man, you are able to overcome built in ‘planned obsolescence’ by merely having a good think about the problem.

Sure, send me a pm, I’ll print a stack up this weekend.
Basically I’ll do it for postage costs rounded up…

If anyone else wants them let me know.

They come as a two piece kit. One piece pushes on the rear of the tpiece… the other on the front.
Some filing may be needed to squeeze them on, I print them a bit too large, then just file the inside of them to be a snug fit. Originally it went on easy, but mass production and a few versions of the tpiece are all a little different.

Worth noting the front section is either for the metal or nylon barrel adaptor/receiver. Both are slightly different… with metal being a touch shorter.

I will send a few of each, as you basically destroy them to remove them, which may happen if they are a bit to long… If filed to be snug they can be removed much easier. Also helps to use a vice to squeeze them together.

And finally… getting the upper on is tight, by design to do its thing!, you want that but you don’t want to really force it.

Anyone wanting them I would send four rear pieces and two of each front pieces. They cost very little plastic, and don’t take too long to print :blush:


Had a bit of drama but the printer is going!

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Cool bits and pieces everywhere . Sorry I just couldn’t help it :rofl: :+1:

:rofl: :rofl: