What gels are accepted normaly

About to get my blasters here in a few months (after my birthday in may so getting a shopping list ready now) and every field ive looked at they say i cant use hardened gels but of course every website ive checked (aus gel, tac edge, x-force) have diffrent naming for them and im just confused on what ones are ‘banned unless in pistols’ and what is allowed on fields.

Edit: i miss the old forum really bad now, hate the loss of all that knowhow.


Best to stick to calling them Blasters, not guns, as is a more PR friendly and accurate term. :+1:

I would suggest contacting the individual fields where you are looking to play, they should be able to provide you with more specific answers as to what they do and don’t allow.

If they give a list like you mentioned above, I would imagine that you can run any other brand of gels that aren’t on their list and you should be fine :thinking:

Should be some people here who can answer this question for you though from their own different field experience …… unfortunately I don’t have any experience from over there! :joy:


Fair on the blaster part i have fixed that, thanks 9am no coffee brain for the wording.

I was thinking about calling fields and asking but it would be a pain to track if i played at one field one day and then went another another the next and they are both totaly diffrent so it would mean more time spent on the phone then working on the blaster etc is all.

Yeah fair point, definitely makes it hard for the players when there’s no blanket rules/specs/information available for the different fields.

Can understand different regulations depending on type of games and if younger kids are involved as well, but would be handy if all the fields could say that the “standard non-hard gels acceptable are X/Y or Z” brand :thinking::+1:

Can’t be that hard, sound the field out and write it down. Job done. :+1: