What thompson

im all about realistic looking, feeling, and what not, not fussed on how it shoots i

anyone own both or anyone own the ihobby cheaper one and can weigh inl

cheers guys

You posted the same content in a different post an hour ago.

Two posts, same content. Also asked the same question about the two Thompsons in a third thread.

Here’s how this forum works… you post once, wait for an answer. If you want to chase it up, you don’t start a new thread for the same issue, you comment under the original post.


Yea dood. Don’t use your name and have a Crysis here. If somebody can answer your questions they will.

But rampant multiple posts about it you will be ignored. Have some fkn patience.

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What exactly would you like to know?

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I will be putting up a review / comparo between the new and old thompson, soon…

But, priorities…

Its a rainy saturday, and i can smell the bunnings sausages from here…!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: