Where the heck can i find a gbb shotgun

I missed out last year or grabbing a pump actiong GBB as they were in almost every gel blaster store, now they are gone off the face of the earth.

for those of you need a refrehment this is from tac edge, and im after the one at 0.20 the silver one,

Hasn’t this already been posted and answered in another thread? :man_shrugging:

Are you asking if any of the forum members have one of these for sale?

These are the other two i have…

I got them, a long time ago, when there was a 20% off sale.

I must admit, i knew their reputation as leaky, low performance.
I didn’t buy the filling equipment ( nozzles, adaptors etc).
Just got them, for collectability.

I think you’ll struggle finding people, who have them, and will sell them…

Yeah, I’d be hanging onto them too…

Very nice looking shotties. :+1:

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OOO Yeh that second one is the one im after,
wouuld u consider selling

Not really…
Except for ridiculous sums…

be realistic, what are we talking penny wise

Pennywise? This guy? :thinking: